YPN calls MCP to reverse its stand on the newly amended policy

Young Pastors Network, (YPN) has expressed concern over the recent passed resolution by the Malawi Congress Party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) which is restricting members who have not been in the party for more than two years from contesting in any position in the fourth coming elective convention.

Addressing the press conference in Lilongwe , the YPN president Pastor Webster Kameme says the policy is in conflict not only with MCP constitution but also Malawi Constitution, as they look at this newly adopted policy as a constitutional amendment disguised policy.

The statement says the policy is deviating from the constitution of MCP, as the party empowers NEC to formulate policies from time to time in order to manage the party effectively and that any changes to the constitution are done by delegates during a convention.

As YPN they feel that this policy is aimed at protecting the interest of a few NEC members who feel threatened by other members who do not currently hold positions in the party and that the timing leaves in YPN in suspicion that it is targeting some individuals.

“There are fears that if they can initiate a constitutional amendment of their own party, disguising the move as policy making, some learders can do the same for the country as well as for various ministries or departments should they be given a chance to head any of these,” reads part of the statement.

YPN also said there are other NEC members they have spoken with anonymously, whom they are also worried on how the policy was tabled and passed saying that the management committee of the party brought the policy for deliberations and it is more surprising that the very members of the management committee were some of the proposers and seconders of their own item.

YPN is therefore reminding MCP NEC that in a democratic dispensation, leardership positions are elected by delegates during a convention, and that the tendency of the party leardership being guided in this manner by a handful greedy politicians dictating who is eligible to contest during a convention for either tribal, regional, personal insecurity and financial gains has no room in a democratic society.

They are further calling upon delegates to the MCP convention to reject this policy soon after the convention has been opened and before elections are conducted to allow those that will be barred to have opportunity to participate in the elections.

But recently MCP publicity secretary Ezekiel Peter Ching’oma was quoted by Times Television that the decision was made to protect interests of the party from the sellouts.

Ching’oma said only people who have been in the party for some time can well take care of the party because they know the part in and out.

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