Airtel, TNM must improve services – Malawi regulator

The Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (Macra) is pretty aware that consumers are still getting a raw deal from mobile service providers in some areas service delivery.

Andrew Kumbatira, Macra boss: Customers getting raw deal
Andrew Kumbatira, Macra boss: Customers getting raw deal

The regulatory authority has since assured consumers it is doing it utmost best to facilitate the introduction of independent means of verifying the submitted data from the operators so as to achieve quality of service delivery to facilitate the promotion of universal ICT access.

In its first quarter quality of service report (January-March 2015), the authority has advised the operators to improve their services.

“TNM performance needs to improve in the Call Setup Success and Radio Network Availability while Airtel needs to improve in the Radio Network Availability KPI targets as their performance in these key areas Performance Indicators was below acceptable levels,” reads the report in part.

The audit covered telecommunications, broadcasting and postal and courier services.airtel_tnm

Macra is also advising Malawi Telecommunications Limited (MTL) to improve especially on “Fault Clearance within 48 hours” and “Fault Clearance within 7 days” as its performance in these key performance was also below acceptable levels.

The regulatory authority is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring that all service providers in the ICT sector are providing affordable, accessible and quality services throughout the country.

The consumers have been complaining of getting a raw deal from the operators.

“Macra shall continue to monitor the performance of all operators within the ICT sector with the aim of ensuring that consumers are enjoying quality and affordable ICT services.

“Macra would also like to encourage the general public to channel any unresolved grievances with the service providers to its Consumer Affairs Unit,” says the report.

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9 years ago

It is really true even these competitions they administer if some one wins it takes the winner to keep on following up the prize money I won and it is now two months without redeeming my prize each time I ask am told Tikukonza we will communicate

9 years ago

Thats true, we are tired of you TNM. More especially ITC!! Wake up pliz, this is another era!!

sainit like it is
sainit like it is
9 years ago

macra pulling a public stunt..we all know nothing will change considering the recent revelation that tnm pays macra millions…this is just to make us malawians think macra is doing something for us..the truth is nothing will happen and we wil stll be charged for dropped calls and charged for the whole minute even when u cut it at 5 seconds…pali ndalama pali mavuto but good public stunt non the less

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