AA Muluzi says change agenda ‘resonating’:Malawi 2014 polls
Former ruling United Democratic Front (UDF) presidential candidate Atupele Austin (AA) Muluzi said on Sunday that the “new UDF” will offer hope in 2014, to a Malawi let down by recycled politicians and looters.
He said this in Mchinji district bordering with Zambia when he toured the central region district addressing whistle-stop rallies at the Boma, Nyoka Mission and at Mkanda Primary School.
AA Muluzi told thousands of jubilant party supporters that gathered at all the venues that there is enough evidence that the ‘Agenda for Change’ discussion he is touting resonates well with Malawians and is shaping the political landscape in Malawi.
“The Agenda for Change has awakened the sleeping giant. Everybody now is talking about job creation, transformational change, and politics of issues as opposed to castigation and inclusive growth agenda, “said Atupele, who is also son to former president Bakili Muluzi.

Atupele said he was confident that the UDF party under his leadership will form the next government because the party has a clear agenda.
He said that the new Agenda for Change is about issues and policies that will bring sustainable development in the country.
The Agenda for Change is premised on four key pillars namely, inclusive growth, good governance, social protection, peace and security.
The four pillars according to the UDF leader will be the focus of discussion at the party policy to solicit views from Malawians and various stakeholders for them to ably formulate a manifesto for the party. He said the party will announce the dates and venue for the conference this week.
Atupele said the UDF administration will ensure that wealth “trickles down” from those at the top of the economy.
“The new UDF is offering hope to Malawians for the future and not broken dreams,” he said.
“I strongly believe Malawi can be better than it is. There can be hope for people again,” said Atupele.
The UDF presidential hopeful also said his government will enhance transparency and accountability, which he said, are a recipe for good governance.
However, the UDF leader’s visit to the area was not without drama as Minister of Tourism and Culture Rachael Zulu was seen driving ahead of Atupele’s convoy throwing ruling People’s Party flags to people along the road in a desperate move to disturb the whistle stop tour.
But it all proved to be a futile attempt as supporters remained defiant as they lined up to take a glimpse of the youthful UDF leader, with a majority of them chanting, “Atupele, yemweyo kuti, wa wa wa“.
This is the first time that the UDF leader was visiting the district after being elected presidential candidate at the party national conference last year. Of late he has intensified his campaign in the central region, visiting several districts including, the rural areas of Lilongwe and Dedza.
It is apparently the first time in the history of the UDF party that a leader is able to pull huge crowds wherever he goes as the region is not traditionally known as a UDF stronghold.