ACB takes corruption fight to sports: Signs MOU with NAM

The Netball Association of Malawi (NAM) on Thursday signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) which will see the two sides working collaboratively in fighting corruption in and through sports.
The MOU signing ceremony that took place at ACB offices in Lilongwe was witnessed by the Malawi National Council of Sports (MNCS) and the Malawi Olympic Committee (MOC).
According to the MOU, ACB and NAM will be working on anti-corruption awareness; capacity building, and policies that will help eradicate corruption in sports and other sectors using sports. NAM has therefore committed to comply with ACB polices, cooperate with ACB investigations, mobilise resources and empower netball players to be self reliant.
Speaking at the event, ACB Director, Martha Chizuma, said the bureau was trying to go into non-traditional means of fighting corruption because they have proved to be very effective.
“People should know that our mandate is beyond law enforcement. Our mandate is also about public education and corruption prevention. The reason for signing this MOU is to fight corruption in netball and through netball. We want to use their platforms to sensitize the masses about corruption.
“This has worked very well before with the MOU that we have with the Football Association of Malawi (FAM) and we believe we can replicate what we have done with FAM, now with NAM,” remarked Chizuma.
NAM General Secretary, Isaac Chimwala, said the MOU was a landmark experience for netball in the country.
Said Chimwala:“We are very excited about this moment. Issues of corruption exist in our country and netball is no exception. Now that we will be working with ACB, we get the enthusiasm that we shall now be able to fight this evil that exists in the world of sports including netball.”

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