Action Aid Malawi rolls out K150m child centered Covid-19 intervention
Children who are under the age of five in Machinga, Phalombe and Nsanje districts and were going to Community Based Childcare Centres (CBCCs) before learning institutions were temporarily closed due to the out break of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19), will be receiving bags of soya flour and curtons of soap to ensure they continue being fed and maintaining their hygiene while at home.

The children will also be listening to radio programs specially tailored for them to ensure they continue learning.
The gesture is curtsey of a three months MK150 million intervention by Action Aid Malawi with support from Roger Federer Foundation, targeting children in the three districts.
Action Aid Malawi symbolically presented some of the items to selected households at a ceremony held on Thursday at Machinga District Council offices.
Executive Director for Action Aid Malawi, Assan Golowa, hailed the project, saying it helps fulfill the organisation’s mandate as a promoter and protector of rights and welfare of vulnerable people.
“Since CBCCs were suspended like many other learning institutions, some children have been denied feeding, learning and hygiene practices they accessed at those centres.
“The intervention comes forth with radio programs specially tailored for the children. This will ensure that they continue learning as they listen to the radio with the aid of their parents at home.
“The soya flour will ensure that the children remain healthy and nourished while the soap will ensure that they are always hygienic to avoid contracting the deadly coronavirus,” said Golowa.
In Machinga alone, over 1600 children will be reached out during this intervention.
According to Machinga District social welfare office, there are 543 CBCCs in the district, spread across 20 traditional authorities.
The office says such a huge number of CBCCs means thousands more children require to benefit from the Action Aid Malawi Covid-19 initiative
The office adds that Action Aid built some of these CBCCs and is already supporting many of them with necessities such as foodstuffs, learning materials and training of caregivers.
Chairperson for Machinga District Council, Alexander Shoti, joined District Commissioner Rosemary Nawacha, officials and representatives of households in receiving the items from Action Aid Malawi.
Shoti and Nawacha commended the intervention, urging other organizations to emulate what Action Aid Malawi has done.
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