Alliance wants Mutharika to answer questions in Malawi Parliament: Outlines its  expectations during next sitting

Political movement Transformation Alliance (T.A) has described the forth coming 47th Session sitting of parliament as crucial in the process of liberating the nation from the ill’s currently torturing the country.

Kunkuyu: Let President Mutharika face MPs grilling

Parliament reconvenes Friday 10th November 2017 with President Mutharika expected to deliver a State of The Nation Address (SONA).

The meeting comes in the midst of growing fears of leadership deficiencies to bail majority poor Malawians out of the current bitting poverty levels that are practically showing no any sign of abating.

Leader of the Pressure Group Moses Kunkuyu, said through statement released on Thursday that Mutharika need to give Malawians tangible answers on what plans his government put in place to end the
economic impulse.

“We believe the coming sitting of parliament is an opportunity for the president to spell out the plans that his government has if any to bail the country out of the many ills faced. Apart from making the routine speech, we are calling on the president to take time to appear in parliament and take questions that may follow his routine pre-crafted address” reads the statement in part.

The statement further states that things are getting out of control in Malawi  to among others a type of leadership that seems to be on perpertual trials.

In the statement, Kunkuyu has also blasted Mutharika and Leader of Opposition Dr. Lazarus Chakwera following their verbal attacks infront of the podium recently.

“We in TA feel the two leaders can do more good to the nation by making use of the coming meeting of parliament to address the citizens on the challenges we are facing, ask each other questions and provide answers in a constructive manner not what we have seen lately,” Kunkuyu said in the statement.

He also emphasized that Mutharika could have silenced Chakwera over his remarks in calling the President  a ‘liar’ by giving facts to back his arguments on how to end the electricity woes rather than attacking the opposition leader.


On the matter of electricity, TA says it expects that the nation will be told the truth and in an honest manner by Mutharika and his government whether electricity woes will relent next month as publicly announced by the President.

The Alliance suspects that the rulling is dipping its long fingers into parastatals like Escom leading to suffocation of its all important core functions.

TA also wants parliamenterians to take to task Mutharika and his government on why they included Transglobe Produce Export Limited on the list of 2017-18 suppliers in the Fertilizer Input Subsify Programme (FISP) while the company was being investigated following its involvement in the dubious purchase of Maize together with the Ministry of Agriculture from Zambia.

The  political grouping also wants MP’s to deliberate and pass the Electoral Reforms Bill which it says can reflect the maturity of Malawi’s democracy.

“TA believes that the Electoral Reform Bill is a step towards the much awaited constitutional review draft that has been gathering dust for ages,” reads the statement.

The issue of Constituency Development Fund (CDF)  and is also one item which the pressure group wants to be discussed at length to avoid further frustrations in various developmental projects.

It has also expressed dismay with the ‘retrogressive behaviour of the Malawi Broadcasting Corporation’ which is fuelled by filthy political hands gripping on its operations for their selfish gains at the expense of the highly taxed citizens financing it as evidenced during the recent By elections.

All in all, the statement conclude that: “TA expects nothing but sober and progressive deliberations in this sitting of parliament for the betterment of the majority Malawians, currently failing to make end meet”.

It also adds that time has come for the opposition to prove that they are a true government in waiting with constructive criticism and provide altenative solutions to the current administration that seems to have lost a correct campus direction for Malawi’s destiny.

“We also call on authorities to swallow their pride and accept the harsh reality that things are not alright in the country. Its time to listen to the voice of reason and stop exercising executive arrogance when Malawians are crying for transformative change that relents poverty bites in their lives” sums up the statement.

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7 years ago

Mr Kunkuyu should remind us if there is any head of state in the past who attended and answered questions in Parliament. He was in governments of Bingu and Amayi. Did they once attended this silly law? Did Muluzi abide to this parliamentary law? If the previous presidents did not see the importance of this arrangement why should APM find any credibility in it? APM should not as well waste time answering questions from these dunderheads. On the issue of black-outs it seems no one in Malawi has the answer because even Chakwera himself has never conducted a press conference… Read more »

Longani pyanu
Longani pyanu
7 years ago
Reply to  santana

Mbuzi ya chi Malawi iyi. Calling its country’s law a silly law. You mean people should not speak just because past leaders did not do what is right? Muluzi attended a question time session if if you want to be reminded

7 years ago

If MBC is bothering and annoying you that much, why listening to it? I don’t think anyone would force you to listen to the radio that you don’t like. And i’m sure if you stop listening to it, MBC will realize that it’s losing its listeners. So you idiots stop complaining about MBC , they’re more private radio stations that you can listen to. Matumbo aamanu ndithu.

Dipipi wa Yudiefu
Dipipi wa Yudiefu
7 years ago
Reply to  pathfinder

A Pathfinder ndinu m’modzi mwa amene akubwezeretsa Malawi m’mbuyo. Ndimayesa MBCyo yimayendera misonkho yathu. Ngakhale asamamvere MBC ndiye kuti misonkho yathu atibwezera.

7 years ago

The only way to make MBC a fair and objective institution is for Malawians to mobilize themselves under the leadership of CSOs and bar the Director General from discharging his duties for a week. This is the only way he will realise that Malawians are serious and want MBC to benefit everyone. I’m saying this because all the silly decisions are taken by him even if someone else below him make such decisions, he is the one who is accountable to all Malawians and consequently he takes the responsibility.

7 years ago

iwe moses ukufuna chani kweni kweni. zako zinada kale. Ukufuna utiuze chani. Iwe unali boma ndiye unabwereletsa chani. manyaka. zautsiru

7 years ago

I like the balance in the story and of course the list of our problems currently…..

7 years ago

I have said it time and again that this boy Kunkuyu should be counted as one of the fighters for our well being in this generation.
The issues raised in this statement are all what we the voiceless would want to be discussed. I don’t think the young man has anything to benefit from subsidised fertiliser but that issue is mentioned with passion definitely for my poor grand mother in the village.
God bless you

7 years ago

PS moses bear with me,do you really think the president can answer questions with our current situation? Let him give the SONA then go home.he has enough pressure. His cabinet is failing a lot.his party is failing him. They are busy piling him with lies.muthalika should not answer questions from chakwera,may be next year. Please please am not for peter and can’t vote for him,will vote Lazarus

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