Chaponda mobilising DPP MPs to endorse Mutharika, demonise Chilima
The governing Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) vice president for the South George Chaponda is mobilising party lawmakers to publicly endorse President Peter Mutharika as their torch bearer and fend off the voices calling for which Vice President Saulos Chilima to lead.
The disgruntled former minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development assured the MPs at party headquarters at Old Wenela in Lilongwe on Wednesday last week that if Mutharika is re-elected a proper succession plan will be put in place and hinted he is among the blue eyed boys that may be heir to the throne.
Chaponda is answering three charges which include giving false information to the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB), influencing a public officer to misuse his position and possession of foreign currency.
But told MPs that he is expected to be freed in the matter and will still be their leader in the House in the near future when cleared .
The chief resident magistrate in Zomba is expected to make his determination on May 18.
Chaponda has said he will be the last defender for Mutharika and ensure he will lead DPP in the 2019 polls.
DPP secretary general Greselder Jeffrey wa Jeffrey confirmed she attended the meeting but in her capacity as Nkhotakota South Constituency legislator.
“I was invited to the caucus as a DPP MP and I attended,” she said.
The endorsement follows what former first lady Callista Mutharika said recently that Mutharika, 79, would be too old to carry on as he would be 84 at the time of leaving office in 2024 if re-elected next year.
The former first lady argued that it is normal that thinking capacity levels deteriorate as one gets older, and, therefore, favours Vice President Saulos Chilima, 45, to represent DPP in 2019.
The remarks were also supported by DPP national youth director Louis Ngalande, who cautioned Mutharika to tread carefully on representing the party in the 2019 polls, stating he is too old for the job.
Others who are said to be backing Chilima-for-Presidency crusade include lawmakers Bon Kalindo, Allan Ngumuya, Patricia Kaliati and other party officials.
But Finance and Economic Planning Minister Goodall Gondwe said running the President’s office and government affairs is serious business that requires the old who have experience and not “babies” who are novices on State matters.
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Cries of a desperate man! he knows that if Chilima is endorsed and elected as DPP torch bearer, UnHonourable Chaponds a is finished and his skeletons will come out of many cupboards. Politics of the stomach and greed is in the open.
George Chaponda is a liability to DPP just as Zuma was to the ANC in South Africa !! Advice to APM and DPP…keep Chaponda in your party at your own risk! Nobody likes this Chaponda guy, even his own constituents!
ndizovetsa chisoni kuti onse amene akupanga endorse APM are doing it for the money or intimidation, anyway let APM contest the same people will be alone when casting their votes and they will do what is in their hearts, truly truly 98% of these endorsing do not want APM they are just doing for favours and fear, anzanga a DPP tsegulani maaso tikumaliza chipani apa, aisiyeni masapota akasankhe okha munthu amene akumufuna kudzaimira chipani osati endorsement, takumbukani ku Nsanje Lalanje munapanga endorse candidate amene masapota sakumufuna mapeto ake tinapangitsa MCP kuwina, ngati tipitirize kupanga endorsement APM am sorry MCP idzadutsa… Read more »
Chaponda mukusowa nayo mtendele guys kkkkkk
It’s disgusting to say the least that a guy whose reputation is tainted with allegations of thieving is representing a party going to the polls. I mean what’s so wrong with our nation? Morals and principles are flying out of the window. I thought these guys were educated in the west and that they should use their education for the benefit of ordinary Malawians. Isn’t it an opportunity for the DPP to declare clean governance? And if one of their own is caught with his / her fingers in the till they abandon him / her for the sake of… Read more »
Chaponda kukhwima chibwenzi ngati chikumba. Kodi Chilima anakulakwira chani. Ngati ukufuna u President osangoyitanotsa convention bwanji? Komanso osayiwala kuti anthu samakufunani bwana. Paja kumudzi kwanu komwe ku Mulanje anakupamanthani. Imene ija inali nthawi yoti mudzifunse mafunso. Nthawi ya anthu oganiza mwa chi 1960 inatha bwana. Mungokonzekera kupita ku ndende. A Malawi anatsekuka maso pano. Chilima wakudwakitsani cholera.
MCP should stop dreaming of any win unless it narrows the gap which was there in 2014 between APM and Chakwera. It is now 4 years yet MCP has not done anything about the 450,000 difference between APM and Chakwera. MCP have not done any strategy to woo many people to its party so that it cancels the difference of 450,000 votes which was there in 2014. Instead it is the DPP which is being heard receiving defectors from other parties including MCP and PP. This means the 450,000 is widening and MCP has a big task to narrow this… Read more »
Chaponda is one wicked person in DPP. He is behind many bad decisions that the late Bingu Wa Muntharika made in his second term including the quota system. This guy has nepotism in his blood. Remember many bad comments he has made against northerners. Apart from this the guy is corrupt though using the same corrupt money he will get clean of all the charges he is facing. He knows that if Chilima stands he will never get a chance to rule Malawi and that the Lomwes will loose their hold of DPP. If Peter wins, he will likely succeed… Read more »
a DPP thawi yathera sadzagwirizananso paka atuluka boma 2019 Peter Mutharika leader of opposition kaya nyumba anamanga a Mutharika. Chaponda ndi armyworm yoyipa.
To all DPP supporters do you expect to win the coming elections by allowing Chaponda to be your campaign manager.Do you think all of us are blind and def?Chaponda is not cleared and he is still answering the charges in the court hence he is in forefront campaigning for DPP,KKKKKK over my dead body,who can listen to him.You have sold your on members to other parties because of your arrogance and stubbornness,you don’t want to accommodate others with good advise and ideas.Its so pity to have such shameless leaders who tends to be educated but they can not see what… Read more »