Chilima challenged to declare stand on Malawi presidential bid
Commentators have challenged Vice President Saulos Chilima to come out clear on calls by some ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) members that he should be the party’s torchbearer at the expense of incumbent Peter Mutharika for 2019 polls.

The Chilima-for-president movement is reportedly gaining momentum within the DPP as many members are coming out open to back the Veep towards a presidential run.
However, President Mutharika has declared he will seek re-election while Chilima has been quite on the matter, prompting commentators asking him to take a stand.
Governance expert and political commentator Mankhumbo Munthali said Chilima’s continued silence on 2019 Tripartite elections candidature in the midst of the current Chilima-for-presidency crusade would be perceived as lack of decisive leadership which the Episcopal Conference of Malawi through the Pastoral letter recently bemoaned as absent in Malawi political leaders.
He said sadly Chilima has remained quiet despite the fact that the political landscape is becoming more tense each passing day with those who are publicly spearheading his candidature being exposed to more risks and danger.
“Leaders should be bold enough to own and defend their decisions in public,” Munthali told Nyasa Times.
He said Chilima should demonstrate that he is not afraid to take decisive decisions on issues that matter for fear of burning their fingers.
“Its high time Chilima came out of his cacoon and publicly declare whether he wants to challenge President Mutharika at the convention or not rather parading himself as someone who doesn’t know what is happening. Morally and ethically, it would be dangerous as a country to usher into power cowards as leadership demands boldness.
“Let him clear himself on this one in the best interest of both the party and also those that are spearheading the Chilima for presidency candidature. After all, its accepted in democracy to challenge your party leader at a convention,” Munthali said.
He said the issue of DPP presidential race- just like that of other parties – is of paramount concern not only to the party but also to the general public because the one who is to lead the party in the 2019 elections is potentially the next President of Malawi.
“As such they must all be subjected to a fair public scrutiny the very moment they declare they want to lead Malawi,” he said.
And in his post, columnist Idriss Ali Nassah said Chilima has to show his hand, sooner rather than late, arguing that the ultimate prize will not be handed to him, one way or the other.
“He has to make a credible brave claim for it—or it will go to others, the likes of Malawi Congress Party (MCP) leader Lazarus Chakwera, who are not ambivalent about their intentions,” wrote Nassah.
“The saying goes that a man who hangs around a beautiful girl without declaring his intentions will end up fetching water for guests at her wedding,” he added.
Nassah said while the nation expects the Vice-President to be brave in declaring his intentions, the mission to remake Malawi cannot be, and should not be, Chilima’s alone.
He wrote: “Without doubt, the renaissance Malawians seek needs bold messengers to carry forward the flame of renewal, of hope, of a brandnew beginning for country and for self.”
The columnist urges the church to play its role and guide the people to a leader who will do good by Malawi, for Malawi.
Efforts to speak to office of the vice president also proved futile as Chilima’s press secretary Pilirani Phiri could not pick up our calls on numerous attempts.
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Those who are saying let chilima come out now just shows that you dont know tactical politics. Chilima`s audience are aware of his stand except the outsiders such as those in APM camp. When you know that your friend is more powerful, at times a surprise blow works miracles. Goliath did not know what was coming from the young David until he was down dead!!!!
This is politics and Chilima is a polititian. Let him do what s best for him. Anything he does will help to judge him whether he is a good leader or not.
veep is a man of God, b4 reply he needs wisdom from above & confirmation from God.
Man of God ndi Chakweratu. Uyu koma akuyendera Proverbs 17:28
Chilima is not a politician but a technocrat not fit for presidency. he is playing hide and seek and want people to fight for him. Very timid guy and indecisive. Let come out and face moya during convention where he will fall and end his career r and return to airtel
Why is anybody forcing Chilima to declare his interest in the presidency? Silence is golden so the saying goes. Those making noises on behalf of Chilima should go out and qualify their noises than try to drag him into their shenanigans.
We all know Chilima makes questionable decisions in life. First, he joined DPP, the party we all did not want to return to power because of the evils that Bingu has done to millions of Malawians. He did not talk much during campaigns but gave people the confidence that he was new blood to be trusted any way. Chilima is such a leader who has never spoken from his heart. He has never said anything worth remembering as to what he really believes in Malawi politics. He is a faithful Catholic and really portrays a good man out there, but… Read more »
bodza usayankhule chilima.ukayankhula peter akupha. paja saopa kupha anthu amenewa anayamwira kwa mai awo
Inu mukuti ndi Pitala anzanuso momwemo mu DHIPHWIPHWI NDI A cHILIMA NDIYE MUTIBWANJISO mutu wanu wasiyakugwira ntchito
Chilima akatengenso zikwanje zake. Both are loser
Which church should guide Malawians? Who need their guidance? Are we involved when they choose their albino killing infested priests? God forbid!!! We will pray for a president and the God I know and worship will guide us. Not these wolves masquerading as sheep.
Which God will be busy waiting for your prayers? Hahahahahahaha if 2014 you prayed and you have the answer to day, am praying that you should not participate this time because your prayers brings no answer but courses to our beautiful Country. Hahahahahahahaha!