Coach Collins Nkuna sacked at Red Lions

Red Lions have sacked coach Collins Nkuna for their precarious league position, the lack of consistent results and the lack of entertaining football.

Sacked: Red Lions technical staff from right Collins Nkuna, Mike Kumanga and Prichard Mwansa...Photo  Jeromy Kadewere
Sacked: Red Lions technical staff from right Collins Nkuna, Mike Kumanga and Prichard Mwansa…Photo Jeromy Kadewere

Nkuna confirmed about his dismissal.

“I was summoned by Commandant ( At Malawi Defence Force, Cobbe Barracks) who informed me that I have been removed as coach and my assistant Mike Kumanga also is removed,” said Nkuna.

He said the club believes the results on the pitch were simply not good enough and that a change is imperative.

“We cannot dispute that decision made by our superiors,” said Nkuna.

The coach did not hide his disapointment by the sacking but expressed gratitude for the support the military team gave him when he was in charge of the Zomba-based side.

The club are expected to make an announcement of new coach within the barracks.

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chinguwo wa chinguwo
chinguwo wa chinguwo
9 years ago

iwe Wollkillima: ndiye ma team achisilikali muwaletse kumanyanso m’ma division. chifukwa akawina mu division azamenyabe super league. the best solution sikuthesa ma team a MDF, Koma ma civilian teams apeza ma sponsor kuti ma players asamathamangile ku ma team a MDF.

9 years ago

what about Mzuni fc, akutani Coach wanu ???

peter kamba
9 years ago

can’t blame the coach ,,,he was forced to work with the B team which is hard for any other coach ,,,let’s wait and see what will the new coach bring

9 years ago

On Red Lions, the coach has no problem but the problem came in when half of the main team was banned. The coach was to do with the second line imagine. This is the disease in football poor performance of players the coach pays.

9 years ago

He has just been redeployed sill a man in uniform. prepare for DRC now.

9 years ago

Ndidzakhala okondwa pakadzabwera Army Commander yemwe adzathetse matimu onse achisilikali nkupanga 3 army teams(chigawo chilichonse timu imodzi).Osati ngati mene zilili panozi & ngati sipakhala kusintha chaka cha m’mawa super league idzakhala ndi matimu 8 achisilikali representing 60% of super league teams zomwe sizidzakhala zopatsa ulemu. Kale m’mene kunali ma team atatu (Reds,Moyale&Mafco)achisilikali kunalibe udani pakati pa Army teams ndi civilian teams. Lero xBarracks vs dh mawa vBarracks vs G linali T vs KBarracks ife weekend iliyonse kumangomva Barracks vs ujeni aaaa khalangati tikumasowa zochita m’ma barracks mu bwanji chonsecho mutha kuyambitsa mipikisano yolimbilana nokha nokha m’ma barracks(eg tag of wars).… Read more »

9 years ago

If it is not the requirement that the coach should be a ” a man in uniform” then you can just hire Peter Mgangira, former Siver Strickers midfielder azakuphunzitseni ” umodzi-umodzi” kkkkkkkkkkkkk.

Mc Dennis
Mc Dennis
9 years ago

Mmesa Munamutumiza Kunja Ku Belgum Ku Coaching Course Waipanso.Vuto Ndi Ban Yamapuleya Osati Coach.Chonchobe Zabwino Zonse New Coach

Thomas Bandah
Thomas Bandah
9 years ago

Maybe The Management Has Thought It Wise To Fire The Coach.Lets Wait And See

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