Diplomats Car Hire, Ekhaya Farm Foods supports Lions Club with K10m donation

In a remarkable display of corporate social responsibility, Diplomats Car Hire and Ekhaya Farm Foods have donated a combined K10million to Lions Club International during its District Annual Convention Dinner.

Triephornia Mpinganjira and Chikondi Mpinganjira

The event, held at the Sunbird Mount Soche Hotel in Blantyre, saw the two sister companies, demonstrating their commitment to giving back to the community.

Diplomats Car Hire, a leading car rental company, donated K5million, while Ekhaya Farm Foods, a prominent food processing company, also contributed K5million.

The Chief Executive Officers for the two sister companies Miss Annabel Chikondi Mpinganjira and Dr Triephornia Mpinganjira presented the donation.

This generous donation will support Lions Club International’s humanitarian efforts in Malawi, focusing on education, health and community development.

This is not the first time the Mpinganjira family has shown their philanthropic spirit.

Dr Triephornia’s hubby and Anabel’s dad Dr. Thomson Mpinganjira, owner of FDH Bank, has a long history of supporting various charitable initiatives, including education and healthcare programs.

His companies have consistently demonstrated a commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of Malawians.

As Triephornia Thomson Mpinganjira, owner of Diplomats Car Hire, aptly put it, “Life is not qualified by fluent English, branded clothes, or a rich lifestyle. It is measured by the number of faces who smile when they hear your name.”

This selfless act of kindness is a testament to the Mpinganjira family’s dedication to creating a better future for all.

The donation comes barely a day after the twin companies also donated K12million to the Malawi Red Cross Society.

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