Don’t quench the power of God’s Light
God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. This is why it is impossible to have fellowship with Him while we are still walking in darkness. It is just common sense that whenever there is light, darkness automatically frees. John 1:4 tells us that; “In Him was Life; and the Life was the Light of men” This means that Jesus is the Life Source of Light; if one doesn’t know Him, one is in darkness. It is therefore important to always walk in Light because this is where life is.
The parable of the ten virgins tells us that five of them were wise, and five of them were foolish. They who were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. The oil is needed to light the lamp which brings light, and without the oil, light will not be there. The oil represents the Holy Spirit, so the five foolish virgins actually represent those who had started well with their walk with Christ but begun to live outside the domain of the Holy Spirit. Something happened along the way and the Holy Spirit is no longer in them and begun to live in darkness. The five wise virgins are those that still have a constant flow of the Holy Spirit within their hearts and lives, which can only come about and be maintained, by one’s faith in Christ and the Cross (Romans 8:1-2, 11).The Church is still in the same situation right now, some have light while some are still lost and yet they are in Church.
Reading this parable, I discovered that it is a personal responsibility to make sure we have a constant flow of the Holy Spirit just as was the case with the ten virgins, to make sure that we are ready when Our Lord Jesus comes. Spiritual light and energy cannot be derived from others; this is why God is looking for a personal relationship with each one of us. Belonging to a specific church or having a personal relationship with the most popular preacher will not give you the spiritual light but believing in Jesus Christ and Him alone constantly will make sure that you have this constant flow.
John 1:5 tells us that; “the Light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehend it not”. This is why it is very important to not quench the Light in our lives because this is where the spiritual power is. Darkness cannot stand His Light; Satan even though he tried with all his might, could not stop the Light and it is the reason why the enemy fights so much to make it so hard for Believers to consistently maintain the oil. When the oil is consistently flowing in the life of a believer, none of the powers of darkness will dare get close because darkness will not stand the Light.
The supply of oil is available to all who avails to it, by seeking God with an earnest heart, as God has promised to be found by those that search for Him with all their heart. We all do not know when the Lord Jesus Christ will come; we just need to be flowing in the Spirit all the time so that we can be among those that will make it on that day.
Praises be to GOD our father for His love on earth. May the HOLY SPIRIT help us hear and do HIS word in JESUS’s poweful name.
Thanks for sharing. I wish this article found a way into the Weekend papers so that many could read it. Continue the good work and God Bless you! Amen
We need the Holy Spirit more than anything else
Praise the Lord!
Amen and Amen
To God be the glory