Education in need of resources to maintain schools affected by disasters
The Minister of Education, Agnes NyaLonje, has disclosed that her ministry is in need of resources to finance immediate and medium plans for the schools affected by Tropical Cyclone Ana.
Nyalonje was speaking in Chikwawa on Tuesday after inspecting Bereu and Kando Primary Schools and Nchalo Community Day Secondary School (CDSS), which were affected by the disasters to appreciate the damage.
She highlighted the need for infrastructure including water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, roads and bridges, learning and teaching materials which have been seriously damaged.

“We need solutions to these challenges because our prime need is to ensure that learning and teaching resumes as soon as possible,” she said.
According to NyaLonje almost 476 schools have been affected by the cyclone in 34 education districts.
She added that some roads are totally cut off and rivers flooded making difficult for learners to access education.
As education sector, NyaLonje said, we will work with our colleagues at the Ministry of Transport and Public Works ensure access to schools has to be looked as a priority.
She commended UNICEF and Plan Malawi, among others, for the assistance they are rendering to the affected schools.
They are providing “School in a box” temporary supplies to bridge over the gap in an emergency to make sure that as government is mobilizing resources to replace the damaged ones, learners can continue with their education, she said.
Head teacher for Bereu Primary School, Alex Tembo, said the schools are facing myriad challenges following the disasters that hit the area.
“Most of our teaching and learning materials were damaged due to flooding waters,” Tembo said.
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