Ex Blantyre mayor Luke Jumbe laid to rest
Mourners filled the village of Anderson Jumbe, Traditional (T/A) Likoswe in Chiradzulu on Sunday to say their final goodbyes to former mayor of the city of Blantyre Luke Jumbe.
Jumbe died Friday morning at Chitawira Private Hospital in Blantyre aged 68.
Tributes flowed as his remains were interred.

His brother, former minister of finance Friday said the former Mayor’s life “epitomised service to all “.
He said the former mayor who succumbed to cancer was the “ pillar, a father, a communicator and an adviser” in the Jumbe family.
“ He united us. The void he has left in the family will be hard to fill,” mourned Jumbe.
The late Jumbe served as mayor of Blantyre City for four years in the early 1990s after working as deputy mayor for three years.
Among other organisations, he worked for Air Malawi, Admarc and VIPCOR before retiring in 2005 to concentrate on his dairy farming business at Mpemba in Blantyre.
Jumbe also worked as coordinator for the Nacala Development Corridor project (NDC).
Politically, the late Jumbe, who is survived by a wife, five children and several grandchildren, served as regional governor for the South for the then ruling United Democratic Front (UDF) between 1997 and 1998.