Feb 3 Electoral Justice Day: HRDC says Malawians have lost hope in Chakwera administration
Malawi is today February 3 remembering this day one year after the High Court of Malawi sitting as the Constitutional Court judgement nullified the May 21 2019 Presidential Election and ordered a fresh election which Tonse Alliance won but Human Rights Defenders Coalition (HRDC) has said the administration led by President Lazarus Chakwera is now hopeless.
Trapence, whose coalition championed change and led a series of street demonstrations against the 2019 presidential election which at times were violent, said the Chakwera administration had the greatest support and will of Malawians because citizens wanted to see a new and better Malawi for all.
He said while the struggle for electoral justice was meant to create a better Malawi for all but it is turning out that things are moving in circles and it is a better Malawi for a selected elite few.
HRDC head said Chakwera government is not delivering to the expectation of the citizenry.
“Malawians have completely lost hope in this Tonse government because of the broken promises,” said Trapence, stressing “this is the reality on the ground whether you like it or not.”
Trapence pointed out that most Malawians, including Tonse Alliance political party partners and followers, are “frustrated” with what he called the “slowness and lack of clear direction “of Chakwera government.
HRDC which is running a corruption whistle-blower initiative has also observed that corruption which was rampant in the previous administration continues to be embraced by Tonse Alliance government frontline troops and called on Chakwera not to be sleeping on the job.
Said Trapence: “Malawians hopes and expectations are doomed if things will remain the same. We need the President to be in control of the country’s affairs.
“We need him to be action-oriented. This is the right time to release the [President’s] Cabinet assessment to Malawians. This is the right time to manage those individuals who think they are more powerful than the President.”
Minister of Information Gospel Kazako, who is the official government spokesperson, has defended the Chakwera administration and parried away criticism from HRDC, saying speed advocated by HRDC is the one that saw Malawi becoming almost a lawless State with no respect of systems, values and ethics.
Kodi ulendowu ndi waku Kenaniii kapena wakwa Nsundwe? Chifukwatu abusawa ndiye awonjeza nkhanza plus nepotism. Akangodziwa kuti uyu ndi Mulomwe basi achoke ntchito really? Is this what Chakwera calls an inclusive government? If there is the biggest rubble that must be cleared in this country then it is Chakwera and chilima themselves. They have failed Malawians big time.
In Malawi we have about 68 CEO’s and out of these 94% were the Lhomwe’s and the remaining 6% were cadets. With these numbers it is obvious that if someone is going to get a chop it’s gonna be a Lhomwe! You can’t even start talking about nepotism because DPP is the father of nepotism. If we take out the campaign cabinet Mutharika administration was staffed with Lhomwe’s and Southerners with Kalirani as the only minister from the center and 2 from the North. Chakwera chose 2 Lhomwe ministers and you are still complaining? Evil people..
Losing hope is an understatement, actually the country has been thrown to the DOGS!! Every bit of Malawi has massively degenerated under the auspices of the Tonse Alliance. It is difficult to pick a star performer in their administration, all are dunderheads. The best these people did to the nation was dismantling the structures built by their predecessors; with them even chimbudzi chophoma sangathe kumanga koma kumanga anzawo on tramped-up charges. Ndepoti aChair ananena kale kuti bvuto la aMalawi sitichedwa kuiwala. Come next elections, these same empty buckets will again be catapulted into government to continue with their mediocrity.
You mean dismantling fraud, organised crime, thieving and embezzlement? Stopping free money that were being given to the Mulli’s of this world? DPP will find it had to come back and we are not missing it. Take it or leave it.
I chose to differ. With the current situation in the country, Tonse will lose the coming elections, unless they change their approach.
nde angazawine ndani if not Tonse???? kuganiza zosatheka mwene uku
mukumva kuwawa macadet
Some wishlists are too ridiculous, I must say, brought about with sheer malice.
Free passports, mega farms, well equipped hospitals, cheap water connections bla,bla; all these in eight months? Be honest.
That said, the way SPC is being treated with kid gloves despite glaring apparent incompetency leaves a lot of people wondering what’s going on. The rot at NOCMA, the appointment to very senior positions of cadets Medi/Mwapasa deserve plausible explanations.
And what’s the justification for SPC chairing parastatals NOCMA and Egenco? Who does he report to after each board meeting? We need answers to such seemingly glaring inconsistencies.
HRDC, easier said than done. Run in 2025 we will put you in power to run the affairs now that Chakwera has failed
I agree with Trapence on this one. I am one of the people who supported Tonse alliance with my personal resources hoping that the new government will rain in on corruption but see what is happening. The scumbags, fraudulent, deliquescent traffic police officers are stealing from Malawians like there is no tomorrow. They even mock us that tinalemba mmadzi ngati timaona kuti aleka kutibera ndalama zathu! If the truth is to be told Chakwera has failed us. Corruption is still rampant as if Tonse alliance did not campaign on a platform of ending corruption. Shame on our leaders amene akuona… Read more »
Trepence kulira sananuganizire. Wina chimangeni akuliranso. Wina akuti enock kanyimbiri akulira mokweza. Anzanu bendulo anampatsa ntchito. Ntambo ndi uyu akudya zanafuna. Nkaka ndi chimwendo Banda ndiye nanji nkaka was boasting at capital holel that he is more senior than Chilima and that chakwera asks him before going to Chilima
Blaming the new strain of Covid 19 is a silly excuse: In life crises will always happen. What is needed is leadership. The AIP was botched long before this new strain came on the scene. (Today it is Covid, RSA variant, tomorrow it could be cholera, typhoid, TB, army worms destroying maize, breakdown in security, etc etc. Crises are part of the human condition). The main problem of Chakwera and his cabinet is that they expect to enjoy the trappings of power while somebody else will do the work of running the country. It does not work like that. Take… Read more »
Bwana KK Mulaudzi, I applaud you for such a constructive and piece of advice. If we all can think in such a fashion then real progress is guaranteed.
Honestly speaking, Chakwera is best placed to be in opposition. Munthu uyu was even failing to manage wrangles in MCP and thought presidency was a simple ride. He has no clue of running a government. His win came as a dream and he went dreaming soon after inauguration. His speeches are full of philosophy and rhetoric. They dont inspire Malawians. We want to see what you promised: Cheap passports, good hospitals which are well equipped-look at the cancer center at KCH and hospital infrastructure…there is a lot to be desired. We need the mega farms, where are they? Free water… Read more »
Is DPP and Mutharika managing their wrangles? Just asking for a friend…
koma nde funso lanzerutu wawa
yes Chakwera managed his MCP wrangles lero ndi uyu aliku state house….pamenepo bwa???
Curbing the pandemic? Is someone suffering from dementia? Covid 19 is here to stay and you are telling me that this world will just be on standstill? Let us be on the offensive now, for me this defensive mode is not working? The world is on standstill yet we can see that things are spinning out if control. What’s wrong with these elected dunderheads? Always waiting on azungu I thought you went to school too. Let people live a normal life while sniffing masamba a blue gum. When you wanted us to vote for you munati kulibe Corona lero iyayi… Read more »
Eyaa we knew it that these HRDC wanted to help Mtambo secure a beef job with the MCP.Enawa aiwalidwa kkk.Une Kudandaula kkkkk.Ngati ena akuyendetsa galimoto okha ,beriefcase kutenga okha nankha ena ntchito ija ayipezanso ya udaraiva kkkk.Ndale zachi Malawi kkkk. HRDC ndi Judiciary munathandiza kulanda Boma la DPP losalakwa lero ndizimenezo. A Gospel Kazako ayamba kunya manyi chifukwa choti ganyu yomwe anagwilira MCP ali ku Zodiak alipabwino pano lero akutha kugula mankhwala akumwa oyeletsa khungu,omwe aja anali biii ngati Khwangwala lero akumeta phanki ngati pumbwa kumedhelera mmutu. Ife timadziwa kuti izizi zidzaoneka mapeto ake ndeizi kkk.Mtsinje wa Tinkanena unathera munsiizi… Read more »
boma la dipipi lake litilonso? mesa dipipi inachita kuba bomali kapena waiwala ndikukumbutse???