Only God can make bitter water sweet again
Many times when people are blessed, they do not see any reason to continue walking with God in their lives. We may notice that it is just after a big breakthrough that we experience low moments of our lives. The reason is that we reach a comfort zone and forget about God who has taken us that far.
“The blessings of the Lord, it makes rich, and He adds no sorrow with it” (Proverbs 10:22). If you ignore the word of the Lord after just being blessed, the sorrow that comes with it is so expensive and not worth for anyone of us to afford it.
Exodus 15 talks about a time the Children of Israel were all field with praises and worship to the Lord because they had just crossed the Red sea and seen the Lord move so mightily on their behalf against their strongest enemy, the Egyptians. They had praises unto God for what He had done on their behalf but just after that they came through the wilderness where the water was bitter.
God already knew that they were just praising Him because of what He just did for them but they were not fully planted in the things of God that’s why He allowed them to get in this wilderness.
They started murmuring against Moses yet it was not only Moses that had seen the hand of the Lord rescue them from the Red Sea. Three days ago they were rejoicing on the shores of the Red sea. Now some 72 hours later they are murmuring against Moses which presents a very strong lack of faith which exactly portrayed what was in them.
Had it been that they were really planted in the things of God, they would know that they needed to go back to God who had just delivered them from the Egyptians.They would know that God would not have rescued them from the Red Sea and let them die in the wilderness.
I see the love of God here because even after God saw how ungrateful they were, He still told Moses to take a tree and cast into the waters and the water were made sweet.
It is the same with us that God gives us victories and we go back to our old ways completely removing God out of the picture thinking that the success we got is because of our doing good or our good education.
You can be a good person or have many degrees but if God is not in you, problems will never end.
That time Moses used a tree that He cast in the water which was a type of Christ as now we have Jesus Christ who was hung on a tree, and all we are required is to call on Him and let Him walk with us in everything we do.
Without Jesus, all our breakthroughs are just temporal or they will just bring sorrows or many other problems. Hold on to Jesus despite everything coming your way while reminding the enemy that if God made you pass the waters that you were facing at the beginning, the bitter water you are facing now will also be made sweet again.