Govt condemns Malawi News for ‘irresponsible journalism’ over Kenya terror story: SA Muslim Council pens SABC

Minister of Information and Communications Technology Henry Mussa has demanded Malawi News to retract its sensational story that Malawi is implicated in a recent terror attack that claimed 21 lives in Kenya, which has been widely condemned by Malawians commenting on social media.

Mussa: Malawi News irresponsible journalism is condemned
Muluzi: The Yao people as with all Malawians are a peaceful and tolerant people

The story headlined  ‘Malawi implicated in Kenyan Terror, cites a South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) producer and analyst Izak Khomo’s analysis in which he claimed that Malawi was connected to the attack in Nairobi, Kenya last Tuesday.

But Mussa, who is also government spokesman, said the State is disappointed by the “kind of journalism” by Malawi News.

“The paper quotes contents of a programme aired on SABC claiming that there is a Malawian connection to the recent terrorism and other previous terror attacks in Kenya adding that some of the Jihadists Al-Shabab are recruited from the Yao community in Malawi.

“The Malawi Government wonders how the Malawi News could proceed to publish such a story based on someone’s opinion or analysis and not facts,” Mussa said in a statement made available to Nyasa Times.

“We expected the paper to treat the opinion as a news tip for further investigation in order to establish the truth of Malawi’s connection to terrorism,” he added.

Mussa said it is the considered opinion of the government of Malawi that the article represents “all ill intentions against mother Malawi and the public interest. “

Government, said the minister, condemn “this kind of journalism in its strongest terms.”

Mussa said the government demand an immediate retraction of the story “in its entirety” and appealed to media in Malawi to insist on professionalism at all times without compromise.

“We all belong to Malawi and we need to nurture her for posterity, Government wishes to call upon all Malawi citizens to maintain vigilance, unity and loyalty to mother Malawi and not be divided by these trends of irresponsible journalism.”

Mussa assured Kenya that Malawi does not condone terrorism in any form and by whosoever commits it.

Minister of Health, Atupele Muluzi, who a Yao also added his voice, posting on his Facebook page: “The Yao people as with all Malawians are a peaceful and tolerant people. For generations our country has been seen as an example of integration across Africa.”

Muluzi commended Mussa’s statement for “standing clear on what is an unsubstantiated allegation.”

He wrote: “As a proud Yao and as Minister of government I wholly support this statement and hope that Editors of Malawi News look again at ensuring they have credible and verified stories, particularly for such serous issues as terrorism.”

Muluzi added: “Of course my overriding thoughts are for the families of those killed in these terrible attacks. The UDF stand firm in support of the government of Kenya in their continue fight against terror in all its forms.”

Geneva-based Malawian and social commentator, Stanley Onjezani Kenani, said he has agreed with Malawi government on its statement.

Kenani also asked the paper to withdraw the headline.

“You can do better than this. This headline needs to be withdrawn on a front page with an apology. There are far-reaching consequences when a country begins to be associated with terrorism,” he opined.

Meanwhile, Council of Muslim Theologians in Johannesburg, South Africa has written to South Africa Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) in connection to its news report that implicated Malawi.

Media liaison officer for Council of Muslim Theologians, Uthman Chilungo has asked SABC’s general manager Njanji Chauke to confirm if this was the actual SABC News broadcast.

“We have been alerted to a video clip which is purported to be an SABC News interview of an expert who makes remarks pertaining to the Somali-based Al Shabaab,” says the letter. “As the video plays, the supposed expert is heard claiming the terror group’s ties and recruitment among Muslims in general and the Yao people of Southern Malawi in particular.

“Please confirm if this was the actual SABC News broadcast [and] if so, note that we have found the remarks made by the supposed expert frivolous, troubling and lacking veracity.

“We will appreciate if we would be allowed to engage the said expert so that we can share in his research leading to the conclusions he has made. We also look forward to an opportunity of a right of reply to the comments the said expert has made,” said the letter.

The newly-launched Chibanja Cha aYawo Cultural Heritage chairman Abdul Aziz Yasin said the Yaos have no business whatsoever in terrorism.

“Malawians are peaceful people and Muslims are very peaceful people and to allege that Muslims of the Yao origin are involved in such malpractices is very unfortunate,” Yasin said .

Kenya has been on terror attack for years now.

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6 years ago

Boma la DPP lovuta. A yao sakondedwa mdziko muno and Nankhumwa ndiye weni weni osakonda ayao. Its good he is not being considered for the VP position. Sukulu mulibemo maganizidwenso opelewera. Atupere is not a yao. He is from Lilongwe working with them for his own benefit not the party and the country.

Patrick Phiri
Patrick Phiri
6 years ago

No wonder it is an MCP newspaper.

6 years ago

Are these people mussa – Atupele -muthalika –goodal –ben–Jeffrey–nankhumwa -mchacha and friends –are they politicians for life ?

6 years ago

Times Group (Daily Times, Malawi News, Sunday Times) is destroying the country and the newsroom is now in the pocket of State House -watch them

Charlie Hebdo
Charlie Hebdo
6 years ago

Unless Malawi News exaggerated what was reported on SABC, I don’t think the paper was wrong to report it. Malawi news did not originate the story and therefore cannot retract it. It was only playing its role of informing Malawians of issues relevant to them. Malawians deserve to know what people in other countries think of us. If there are people to be faulted then it is our Ministers of Information, Foreign Affairs and possibly Internal Security. When the story first came out they should have been quick to hold a joint press conference disputing the story with a promise… Read more »

gabriel joyce
gabriel joyce
6 years ago

i want to thank dr.omoaghe how i was cured from herps simplex virus by dr.omoaghe email him [email protected]

6 years ago

A MCP awa akuganiza aononga mbiri ya DPP kuiwala bigger picture kuti akuipitsa mbiri ya dziko lao lomwe nkumadzabvotera MCP pamenepa mbuzi izi?

6 years ago

Remember. There is no smoke without fire. While it is appreciated there should have been more research on the SABC story, we should not burry our heads in the sand and wish the problem away. It should be noted that Uganda, Zanzibar, Tanzania, Mozambique, in addition to Kenya, have been mentioned as harbouring terrorists. It is, therefore, difficult to completely isolate Malawi under these circumstances.

Perhaps this is work cut to size for Dausi and Mchacha instead of these two wasting time with so-called cadets whose specialty is nothing but harassing innocent people.

6 years ago

Achawa are terrorists full stop.

6 years ago

The story could have been much better if the writer took a positive vantage point on Malawi her own mother land. She could have said “Malawi disassociates itself from SABC Remarks on Terrorism.” But she chose to wound her own country when the content of her report has remarks from prominent Mawians all denying any possible such links. It’s very unfortunate indeed. Poor journalism, non patriotic people. This journalist and her company can sell this country for Kenyan shillings. She is very ignorant on what she wrote could result into. Forgive her Lord

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