Govt to introduce toll gates to raise funds for Malawi roads
Roads Administration Fund says it is to engage the private sector to introduce toll gates in Malawi, the first ever, in a bid to raise funds for dilapidated roads.
Masauko Ngwaluko, the spokesman for the Roads Administration Fund said the Fund will soon launch 20 toll gates through the Public Private Partnership arrangement after the government clearance and all relevant laws have been put in place.
“The government will determine which roads we will install the toll gates. The Privatisation Commission will identify the partner for us,” said Ngwaluko.
He said this year; the Fund has surpassed the K12.8b and managed to get K15.8b.
“We are helping community roads programme to the tune of K500m per year, said Ngwaluko in reference to the community road project through RIDP where the poor work on roads for money.
He also said the Fund helps the traffic police in safety programmes during Easter and Christmas and buys cameras and breathalysers for the traffic police.
Ngwaluko said the Fund needs at least K40 billion a year to be more effective but gets K23b a year through fuel levies and transit fees.
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thats a better of colleting we got toll gates in most of all african cointries, why not Malawi? thats killing but a small milking from a big cow.
once again a strategy to further rob poor malawians of their hard earned money!!
In Malawi one million people pay tax on behalf of the other remaining 13 million people. one million people make money from which government deducts P.AY.E, Withholding tax, VAT, fuel levy, road use levy through every litre of fuel bought,( Road permit), market fee, etc. now toll gate fee. it is like it is a crime to earn money through just means. Yet the president and his army of Ministers, MPs and advisors pay no tax.
Erecting and managing road toll gates is not as simple as building and operating pay toilet where you just need running water and toilet paper. In order to appreciate what is to be considered before implementing this project visit’’ There you will find a comprehensive study report on road tolls.
This is utter nonsense. Have the Road Fund Administration done a proper feasibility study on the viability of this programme? I know that toll gates are viable where the vehicle population on a road per day is about 20,000. Which road in Malaawi carries that type of vehicles? I bet only two or three roads and these are all urban roads like Chilambula Road aka Paul Kagame Road in Lilongwe and Kenyatta Road in Lilongwe, Kamuzu Highway in Blantyre and Kenyatta Drive in Blantyre. These are short distance roads. You can not have tolls on these roads as you would… Read more »
Shame on you for trying to install the so called toll gate with an intention to rob the poor. This is a foiled plan try another one like what you did with all the goods we purchase in shops. Stupid people.
Maybe 2030 zidzatheka!!!!
Toll Gates are intended to collect charges for using a roads (road user fees). Just as any charge for a service, the charge per unit of usage must be determined, and the level of service delivery must also be determined. I do not want to be charged to use a potholed road, neither do I want to charged more for using a particular road, more than someone else. I would also want the big fishes (like the President and his convoy) to be charged. The road user fees must also not be the cause of another cashgate, where the road… Read more »
It could help boost government coffers if done wisely. If the money could again be plowed back into maintaining or building new roads, I am sure a lot of people would support the development. The only thing that people would need I am sure is transparency. I doubt if people have problems paying – the root cause lies somewhere else and everyone knows what that is exactly. Example: a lot of people who pass through Zimbabwe by road will attest to the fact that they also started with simple blockades with people manning the blockades and collecting cash (US$1.00 or… Read more »