Here’s what travelers need to know about Malawi
With the new wave of Pandemic hitting Africa and European countries, the situation is taking a turn dramatically once again. Governments are coming up with travel warnings once again and restricting traveling for safety precautions.
But if you had plans made to visit this destination is best to learn some basic information before sitting on the plane.
About the Politics
Even when traveling you need to know about the laws and customs of the place you are traveling to. Malawi’s legal system is prevalent in the UK and the second is based on the traditional African courts.
The constitution in Malawi has an independent judiciary and is respected in its practices.
No personal space
The idea of personal space for the younger population is almost non-existent in the tribes and under religious influences. For instance, religious discussions are considered appropriate at arm’s length.
People of the same gender and age have a low personal space from one another as compared to adults. So if you happen to travel with a group of friends that includes girls, keep a safe distance.
If you are into placing a bet and wagers, you can do so. Gambling is legal in Malawi, hence one of the major reasons behind the rising tourism. However, you need to learn about the hotspots for casinos and sports betting in the area you choose to visit.
Illegal items
Any type of recreational drug is illegal in the country. For instance, cannabis might be legal in some parts of the US, but they are strictly banned here. If any travel is convicted of the possession of such drugs, they have to face strict penalties that could even include long-term imprisonment in the goals.
Female concerns
Women traveling to Malai should be careful about their wardrobes and any accessories they might carry with them. If you happen to be a smoker, it’s best to avoid smoking in public areas. A modest dressing is preferred even for foreign women from a different culture.
So that traveler females do not draw any unwanted attention it is important to respect the culture and norms on their visit.
Besides, you may see local women in bulk in-home and fields and in main cities working in normal day hours.
Homos are unwelcome
Despite the open attitude towards homosexuals in the west, it’s still a taboo subject in Malawi. It is strictly illegal as reported by Human Rights Watch. If such a party is found, the individual(s) can be arrested and may experience certain discrimination too. So you must follow the safety protocols at all costs.
So if you happen to be traveling with your partner it’s in your best interest to be discreet with them in public displays of affection and otherwise.
Instead of falling prey to false sketched scenarios about a foreign country, it’s important for any traveler to learn about the whys and hows to not get into trouble. So if it’s your first time in Malai take care of the regulations.
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