What about sports and stress
Between 15 and 20 decades ago, an ardent sports fan walked away from watching football and baseball and never looked back. It’s an incredible and real tale that is truly unbelievable. Think about it. Who can, either gender, not turn off sports? It’s the lifeblood of the country. For all the reasons, every red-blooded American is a fan of the sport of their choice. We’ll revisit this after a while. In the meantime, this is an actual tale.
In the past, numerous studies have proven that fans of teams that lose have psychological and physical consequences due to the fact that they lost a game. For instance, sports watches can, in some instances lead to dangerous driving habits, heart attacks, and domestic violence. The most recent study looked at how people eat when they watch National Football League fans whose teams had lost. It was reported in the Journal of Psychological Science. The study revealed that fans:
- They consumed around 16% more saturated fats when their soccer team was eliminated from an event, as compared to their normal consumption of food on Monday.
2. We ate 9% less saturated fats when their football team won over their normal Monday meal.
The study concluded they found that “People eat better when their football team wins and worse when it loses, especially if they lost unexpectedly, by a narrow margin, or against a team of equal strength.” Also, specialists don’t recommend sports betting in any way to fans.
Researchers suggested that for those whose teams lost, writing self-affirmations can help significantly in preventing negative physical reactions. In this way, they recommended writing notes down what’s essential for you and your personal life.
To go back to the beginning of this blog I was the one who turned away from sports. What made me do this. Before any research was finished I realized how angry I was feeling when my team was defeated particularly in a tight game. For instance, many years ago in the past, the Chicago White Sox baseball team was supposed to win the World Championship for only the second time since the beginning of time.
However, they were defeated and I was unable to forget the loss. Another instance of self-inflicted pain was when the team of football that I was a part of, that is the Washington Red Skins were picked to win the championship game and the majority. It was a time when I could not forget the experience. It’s not a stretch to say I went through one brief period of depression when the same incident occurred.
However, I woke up to discover that, despite grieving the loss of my team, my players went home with a handsome salary. The salaries were more than I could dream of earning in my lifetime. I was grieving? Was I grieving? Why was that? Nothing has impacted my life in any way whatsoever. Since that time, I decided that I had had enough of sports.
I don’t mean to suggest that any of you who are sports enthusiasts must stop watching games on television or visiting the ball field. It’s just important to keep these events in the right perspective. If you’ve not bet a lot in money to play a single game which could become an addiction that is serious Keep things in perspective. What is most important to you you? Isn’t it health, happiness, and success? In addition, be mindful of what you consume. No matter what, stay away from these saturated fats.
Another thing to think about in this article is the huge distinction between watching games and participating in the games. Playing with friends against teams from other teams gives you the possibility of competition with exercise, comradery, and fun which is fun and healthy.