Kazombo preaches fight against corruption to Africa nations

Deputy Speaker of Parliament Madalitso Kazombo has called upon African nations to desist from corruption as it is a major enemy of development.

Kazombo made the remarks during the closing of 9th Africa Population Conference held under the theme: Road to 2030: Leveraging Africa’s Human Capital to Achieve Transformation in a World if Uncertainties,” held in Lilongwe.

He said corruption is killing African nations because resources end up in the few and wrong hands of people leaving the nation underdeveloped.

“The more we are corrupt we are killing our people as well as nations. Our people are suffering everywhere so let’s work together to fight against corruption,” he said.

Kazombo pointed out that leaders have the responsibility to stand against all forms of corruption and focus on developing their nations.

He said other challenges that hinder development in Africa include demographic shifts, urbanization and environmental degradation.

Kazombo however said in the face of the mentioned challenges lies an opportunity for innovation, collaboration and transformative change.

” It is our collective responsibility to harness the power of data, technology and partnerships to propel us towards a future where individual across Africa can thrive and realize their full potential,” he said.

Principal Secretary in the Ministry of Finance responsible for Public Sector Investment, Patrick Zimpita commended representatives of the African nations for their profound discussions, valuable insights and pathways towards sustainable and equitable future for African continent.

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