MEC procures electoral management devices as 2025 polls preparation gears up

Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) has received 288 electoral management devices out of 6500 devices the pollster ordered as preparations for the 2025 tripartite election gears up.
MEC Commissioner Dr. Emmanuel Fabiano received the gadgets today, Friday at Kamuzu International Airport in Lilongwe.
Dr. Fabiano said the Commission remains committed to conducting transparent and credible elections.
He said the EMDs that have been procured will be used to train more than 15,000 technicians who will then train others in the operation during the electoral registration process.
According to Fabiano, the portable EMDs will be used to conduct voter registration, transfer of voters, inspection of the voter’s register, nomination of candidates as well as management of results.
“We cannot wait for every piece of equipment to come before the training starts, we will make sure that within the month of June, we have trained the most relevant individuals and that we have received all the ordered 6500 gadgets,” he said.
In line with the promotion of transparency and accountability, MEC invited representatives from all registered political parties and the media to observe the receipt, clearance and warehousing of these state-of-the-art devices.

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