Ma-yoh Matama ranked best collaboration song in South Africa
Ma-yoh Matama remix owned by South Africa based Malawian hip-hop musician Docco Man, has been ranked as the best collaboration song of the year in +265Cape Town Awards which was held in Cape Town, South Africa on October 30, 2022.
In the award winning song, Docco Man featured various fellow urban musicians including; Mwanache, GD, Bill Kim, El Jay and K Zel just to mention some.
In an interview, Docco Man whose real name is Clement Kim said that the ranking of his song as the best collaboration song of the year is the huge milestone in as far as his music career is concerned.
“My song being chosen as the best collaboration song of the years means a lot to me and it has encouraged me to work extra hard in the game of music as I have seen that I have the potential to achieve more than what I have achieved now,” Docco Man said.
The artist thereafter appreciated support from his fans who voted for the award winning song when it was nominated.
“I would like to thank my fans who voted for my song on Facebook as well as on WhatsApp, because of their votes I have been given a golden trophy and the money that I can not disclose its amount for security reasons,” he said.
He however he revealed that the money which he has been awarded he will use to shoot his music video titled ‘Zathu Izi’ which he featured local hip-hop artists namely; Bill Kim and El Jay.
With motivation from one of the finest local hip-hop musicians known as ‘Mwanache’, Docco Man ventured into music business in the year 2009 and his previous hit songs include; ‘Tikwatila koma mochedwa’ and ‘Adzikhala ndi Ndalama’ which he collaborated with Prince K and Sixth.
Docco Man further advised up-and-coming musicians in the country to remain focused and brave if they are to make it in the music industry saying that it is only focused and brave artists who achieve big dreams with their career as he has done.