Malawi athletics body lift GS Chitembeya suspension
Athletics Association of Malawi has lifted the suspension of general secretary Frank Chitembeya.
Chitembeya confirmed in an interview that the association has reinstated him after the two parties discussed his court action against the suspension.

Chitembeya was suspended in March last on allegations of bringing the association into disrepute by making decisions without consulting the executive committee members.
“I can confirm that I am returned to my position after the executive committee decided to resolve the issue amicably,” he said.
Chitembeya also confirmed that he has vacated the court case against the association for allegedly illegal suspension.
AAM president Godfrey Phiri confirmed that they have lifted the suspension of their general secretary after the executive committee decision.
“It has to be mentioned that the decision was made by the executive committee. We are hoping that he will work together with the rest of the members, especially Mzee Makawa who was acting in his position.
“We are a family and we must come together to fight for the development of the association, which is on the right path to regain its lost glory.”
But inside sources confined in us that Chitembeya used some executive members as pawns to return by palm oiling them as he is warming up to contest in the forthcoming elections.
They said AAM lawyer was against the decision as he opted to contest the case in court.