Malawi Catholic MPs urged to reject gays, defend family in parliament
Blantyre Archdiocese Archbishop Luka Msusa of the influential Roman Catholic Church has advised all Catholics Member of Parliament to defend Christian family against what he described as evil forces promoting alien homosexual lifestyle, which he said is sinful.
The Archbishop Msusa made the appeal during Holy Family Day mass at Limbe Cathedral in Blantyre, where families , which have clocked 50, 25 years renewed their marriage vows.
In his homily, His Grace said all catholic MP’s have to defend the family God created of a man and a woman and warned them that if they fail to do so surely our society will die somewhere in the future and that they will be responsible.
“I am urging all Catholic MP’s to live according to the faith they prophesize even in parliament and they should live it openly,” said Msusa.
“ They should say according to my faith this is the way we are supposed to live. If they do that surely God will bless our country, God will bless us. So let those Catholic MP’s who believe in God to stand together to defend the family, to defend our values, Christian values, the values of peace, the values of love and in that way prosperity will be ours,” said His Grace.
For instance, Archbishop Msusa reminded the MP’s that families nowadays are under attack from other forces that are trying to remove God in the family life.
“We see these new teachings about homosexuals, that there are certain tendencies which are inborn. That is what people say but I am not sure and l have not yet read from doctors to say really homosexuality is an in born thing. This is another attack to family or marriage. If we continue to insist on accepting this new teaching then life is at stake because little people will learn in this way and will tend to love people of the same sex,” warned Archbishop Msusa.
He therefore, said as Roman Catholic Church teaches through the Bishops Pastoral letter, if there are people with these tendencies the best way is to understand them that they are not normal and that they are sick.
“The best way to deal with that sickness is not arresting them, but let them understand their situation and have self control as people who are homosexuals . If they control themselves there is nothing wrong but If they put it into practice in a way that is forbidden by God then it is not normal. Let us teach them, counsel them because these are our children. We can make them change their way of thinking so that they become normal,” he said.
Msusa also said family life are under attack when people do not follow the ten commandments of God.
He said it was worrisome that nowadays people fail to follow the ten commandments of God which are a few.
“There are people who think that we can have solutions in our problems by fighting as you see in other countries. It will not be like that, and let me emphasize it that we can have solutions if we believe in God. If we follow the ten commandments of God and other commandments of the church. Let us accept the mission of the family, let us go out there and be proud of the family God created of a man and a woman,” he said.
Holy Family Day Chairperson John Thakoma said as the world tries to challenge the values of the family, the values of a husband and a wife, the Catholic church stand proud to say they know of one family, the one that God created through a husband and a wife.
“Brothers and sisters, lets love and respect our spouses, lets enjoy the love God gave us in a husband and a wife, in family. Let us also not forget the responsibility God gave us in raising our children to grow up as responsible citizens,” he said.
He said it is the responsibility of parents to prepare responsible future generations.
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Catholics do not approve of polygamy and divorce,please your holiness or whatever they call you,urge your MPs to vote against that too.Those people are not there for the church but for the communities that elected them.Separate Government and religion
We should never allow the Church and the state to be one again, please Catholic bishops dont take us back to the dark ages where the Archbishop was equal to the President! The so called catholic MPs were not chosen on religious grounds but as persons and for Bishops to start using them for their ecunemical agenda it smarks of a devilish plan. The MPs , eg Mr Chiwaya is representing people of different religions and not only Cathoiics so they should not take orders from any religious person. Our politicians are already divided on party lines now the bishops… Read more »
wat u hav 2 understand is legallising same sex marriage is illegal to both malawians and God himself and there is no any mistake for catholics or any other religious leaders 2 say we belongs 2 the same family.This family is not a church but the family of God, so catholics are part of children of that family as any other hence no nid 2 blame them
Could we please give a round of applause to the mind source of this sound and valid argument. Really this mind(Msusa’s) deserves respect. Yes.
This is completely wrong, Parliament is not for Catholics it is for Malawians including the Gay people we are talking about. The Catholics MPs were not voted into the office by the Catholics but by the members of their constituencies who include people of other religious groups and faith. The Catholics advice is completely wrong in my view here because to join Catholic faith and indeed any religion is based on individual faith while becoming an MP you have to be voted in by the general public. The job descriptions of these two are completely different. Stop confusing the MPs… Read more »
Nanunso you are destroying families by not marrying but yet having concubines. Yambani kukwatira so as to sustain the family you are purportedly supporting. otherwise this is very hypocritical
Ngati Ife Akatolika Tiyeni Tisatope Kuwaunikira Njira Yachowonadi
Stop acting as if you are holy! You know sins are all equal in God’s eyes so you dont get to choose which sin is more evil. You are busy judging the gays while members of your congregation are impregnanting school girls and married men being unfaithful to their wives, which family values are you defending? Even your fellow priests have girl friends, if you cant confront them then you have no right to judge gays!
Do you realise that all sins are the same in God’s eyes. Stop acting too holy because you are not.People in your congreagation are busy impregnanting school girls and married men have side chicks even you priests have girl friends and children in the streets but u are so quick to judge gays, are you Jesus????
Mary, your thinkin is fallacious. How can you invalidate an argument of a person just basing on what he or his people, as you say, do? Look at the argument and judge it as it is. Dont tell me you are for gays non
Once again I’m saying that I was dating a Catholic church Brother at a certain Parish being gay myself, Holy father what’s your comment on that? Mind you Gays are every where, Only that they don’t feel comftable to come out.