Malawi government to close 2 national parks due to Covid-19 effect
Government says two national parks are set for a close down because they are not making money due to dwindling tourists’ tours as coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic takes its toll.

Director of Parks and Wildlife Brighton Kunchedwa said concessionaires of Vwaza game reserve and Nyika national park have already given notice to close the tourist attraction places due to losses.
“They used to make more than K1 million a week but now they are making K65,000 a week. This is a very sad development but we understand the situation,” he said.
Most countries, in Europe, the US and Asia where tourists come from are on lockdown due to the Covid-19 whilst most countries closed borders and airports.
Kunchedwa said the closure of the national parks will lead to loss of hundreds of jobs.
He said the government is considering of taking over the running of the parks on temporary basis until the situation improves.
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The government gave caution funds to commercial banks, can they fail to bail them?
Give them free water, electricity, make a deal rather than closing the parks you idiots!!!!!!!
Give them support for the time being as Europe and USA are opening up. Observe situation for three months and thereafter make a proper decision. Don’t make a haphazard decision the way we wanted to lock-down our country. THINK PLEASE!!!!