Malawi lesbian couple won’t be prosecuted – Justice Minister
Malawi’s Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Ralph Kasambara has said two women who became the first lesbian couple to hold a traditional engagement will not face charges.
Homosexuality is currently banned in Malawi and carries a maximum sentence of 14 years.
National Police Spokesperson Davie Chingwalu said the police had launched full investigations into the same-sex engagement of Regina Mmangausi and Ruth Band in Blantyre and that they risk arrest, saying “Police enforces the existing laws.”

But Kasambara has put matter to rest, saying there would no arrests and prosecution to the ‘couple’ believed to have used ‘fake’ identities.
The top government lawyer said the Penal Code which criminalises homosexuality acts is currently “under review”.
Kasambara referred to President Joyce Banda State of the Nation Address in Parliament on Friday that she wants Malawi to overturn its ban on homosexual acts
“Indecency and unnatural acts laws shall be repealed,” President Banda said .
The Attorney General said following the Head of State’s call to repeal the piece of legislation , there will be “no arrests or prosecutions based on the law under review.”
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