Malawi newspaper giant NPL mobilizes K20m for maternal health in Rumphi
As part of mother’s day commemorations, Nation Publications Limited (NPL) has this year mobilized donations of hospital equipment and items worth over K20 million, towards safe motherhood work in Rumphi District.
The donations were presented to the district’s government officials on Saturday in Rumphi during the company’s annual Mother’s Day Fun Run which was launched in 2005.
Deputy Chief Executive Officer for NPL Alfred Ntonga described the fun run as a big success, saying it was part of the company’s corporate social responsibility.
“As a company we felt we have a duty to lead the park and mobilize resources towards safe motherhood efforts. We have been organizing the mother’s day fun run since 2005, when we started with K300 000. Ever since the annual event has been growing from strength to strength, and today we talking about over K20 million,” he said.

Ntonga added that NPL was concerned with the statistics of maternal deaths in the country and the shortage of up to date equipment in hospitals.
The donations have been mobilized from various companies and organizations such as Press Trust, Save the Children, First Merchant Bank, World Vision, United Nations Population Fund, PEP stores, National Bank of Malawi and the Reserve Bank of Malawi.
Hampers of gifts were also handed to mothers at the hospital who had delivered babies on that day.
Notable machines that were donated to the hospital are two oxygen concentrators and a doctor machine.
The function drew participants from the government, local and international NGOs, the business community, local leaders and the general public.
Rumphi District Commissioner Sellina Chimphamba commended NPL for the event, saying it is complimenting government’s effort in improving maternal and child health.
Mother’s Fun Run is NPL’s corporate social responsibility initiative that promotes safe motherhood and fights maternal and infant deaths through provision of healthcare items to government hospitals and health centres in the country.
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