Malawi wants Africa coordinate in implementing population policies

Principal Secretary for Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs responsible for urges African nations to Public Sector Investment Program Patrick Zimpita has urged African countries to find solutions that can help in the coordination and implementation of policies, strategies and programmes on population in their respective countries.

PS Zimpita

Speaking during a Panel Discussion organized by Africa Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP) during the sidelines of 9th African Population Conference, Zimpita said despite having policies, strategies and programmes, most countries lack implementation and coordination of them.

“There are a number of challenges that are making them difficult to implement with lack of financial resources as a major one,” he said.

He believed that the resources that are located on issues to do with population are not adequate making it difficult to implement the policies.

Adding that institutional capacities has also affected the implementation as it requires people with knowledge and skills.

Zimpita further said data has also been a challenge for countries like Malawi to make important policy decisions.

Issah Kwara Chairman for National Population Commission of Nigeria said there is need for countries to have structure of implementation on policies.

“Nations should adopt what Nigeria has done by removing the structure under the President’s office to makesure there is political will,” he said.

AFIDEP Executive Director Eliya Zulu said population policy needs proper coordination and effectively implementation of different partners, ministries, Institutions and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

Afidep leader: Zulu

“If you don’t have strong coordination mechanism then it is going to be hard for implementation making it difficult and the policy cannot add value to the nation,” he said.

Zulu appealed to the nation’s to learn from the countries that are doing well in implementation and coordination of their population policies, strategies and programmes.

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