Professor Nyovani Madise elected Chairperson for the Union of African Population Studies

Professor Nyovani Madise has been elected to lead the Union of African Population Studies (UAPS).

The elections were held during the on going 9th African Population Conference in Lilongwe.

Madise takes over from Donatien Beguy who has served his four-year term.

In her acceptance speech, Madise expressed gratitude for electing her to lead the Union for the next four years.

“I am delighted that the Union has trusted us to continue deliver the council’s mandate to streamline population issues in national and economic development,” she said.

She said African nations should innovate in line with the changing world.

She therefore applauded her predecessor for encouraging regional representatives to hold scientific meetings within their regions and to work with policymakers.

Madise who served as the Vice Chairperson said they successfully organised regional meetings in East and West Africa; and UAPS members convened a workshop which culminated in a book on Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) for Central and West Africa.

Madise becomes the first woman to lead the Council.

She is currently the Director of Research for Sustainable Development Policies at African Institute for Development Policy (AFIDEP)

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