Minister Kazako touts ICT, Innovation as economy driver

Minister of Information Gospel Kazako has said Information Communication Technology (ICT) and innovation are critical drivers and enablers economic transformation.

Kazako (left) speaks to Dr Mathews Mtumbuka
NBM plc Head of Client Coverage Wilkins Mijiga (right) emphasises a point to Kazako and others
Kazako emphasises a point with some delegates at the ICTAM Conference
A group photograph

Kazako spoke on Friday morning in Mangochi when he opened the 2020 ICT Association of Malawi (ICTAM) conference.

“ICT and innovation move economies towards more productivity and resilience, especially in these hard times when the world is grappling with effects of COVID-19 on our economies. We need to be proactive in maximizing the use of ICT as well as seeking new and innovative sources of socio-economic development,” said Kazako.

“The developmental challenges that our country is currently facing require efficient technological and innovative solutions adapted to the needs of the country. A classic example of such solutions is the development of Pfeizer and Mordenna COVID-19 vaccines. It is a foregone conclusion, therefore, that innovation is increasingly becoming an essential ingredient for curbing this pandemic, and other pandemics that we are fighting every day,” added Kazako.

He hailed National Bank of Malawi (NBM) plc and other partners for funding the Innovation awards saying such partnerships are essential for the country to move forward in narrowing the digital and innovation gap.

Speaking earlier, NBM plc Deputy Chief Executive Officer Harold Jiya said ICT is important to the Malawi economy and by extension and inclusion is everything that will move Malawi into a vibrant economy and a viable nation.

“Everything in the modern economy and the global village depends on ICT. Without a thriving ICT sector and industry no economy can develop, let alone grow. No society, organization, business or individual can thrive.”

“ICT has an overarching and cross cutting impact on the whole spectrum of Malawi’s development trajectory: finance, commerce, business, trade, investment, health, education, agriculture, and literally everything else,” said Jiya.

In his keynote address, IT expert and UbuthuNet Alliance Chief Executive Officer Dr Matthews Mtumbuka said there is need for a quick establishment of the Data Centre for all government service platforms like immigration, road traffic directorate and others to be online.

“Everybody now knows that with IT you can work remotely anywhere in the world and the world moves on despite Covid-19 and this is a big opportunity where everyone agrees that digital is the way to go,” said Mtumbuka.

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Kwitande wa kwitande
Kwitande wa kwitande
3 years ago

Kadzako is the most travelled minister and no day passes without him travelling and claiming allowances. Infact I have noted that Chakwera is the worst president MAlawi will ever have.
I have been studying his ministry and he has never organised a management meeting because he is busy travelling. The other thing , this ministry has no consideration for women and all people being hired for top positions are men from himself, his PS and all directors are men. I would like to ask gender activists to speak against such unfair treatment of women at the ministry of information.

Manyalira Mhone
3 years ago

Is that a new thing to say?

Concerned citizen
3 years ago

Honourable minister, you are spot on here. As I know you are extremely knowledgeable and capable, please could you campion this effort.

3 years ago

Gospel Kazako has a unique opportunity to make a name for himself while at the same time helping his fellow citizens. He has to prepare a comprehensive checklist that he and his team have to tick off with the twin objectives of bringing down the exorbitant data costs AND widening internet usage across the country. The good thing is, he doesn’t have to start from scratch. He can learn from Rwanda on how they’ve become an African leader in IT. Just like Rwanda also learned from our own Vision 2020 document and some Malawian consultants. In life we learn from… Read more »

3 years ago

Start producing ‘things’ for sale.

3 years ago

A Immigration angaloleree ndiyesa adyera pompo galu amumangilirapo. IDIOTS

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