Mpasu accuses Atupele Muluzi of early campaigning
Sam Mpasu, bitter critic of youthful UDF presidential aspirant Atupele Muluzi, has accused the lawmaker of engaging in electoral campaign mode for the top job way before prescribed time for the campaign.
Mpasu suggested that Atupele’s whistle-stop meetings countrywide were illegal campaign because Malawi Electoral Commission has not allowed the official campaign period for 2014 elections.
He also said Atupele has not yet been selected by the UDF Convention as the party’s torch bearer.
“We have Atupele who thinks he is above everybody else in Malawi. He is campaigning long before the Malawi Electoral Commission says so,” Mpasu told Daybreak Malawi programme on Capital FM on Wednesday.
Mpasu, who served in various ministerial positions in Bakili Muluzi’s cabinet between 1994 and 2004, has been vehemently opposition Atupele’s presidential bid, fearing he will be the former president Muluzi’s puppet.
He had some point advanced an issue that Atupele would be underage to run for presidency as he would not meet the 35 years constitution requirement in 2014. But this was proved wrong as Atupele was born on 6 August 1978 and would turn 35 in 2013.
Mpasu, who is in one side of UDF faction led by Friday Jumbe and supported by Cassim Chilumpha, Humphrey Mvula , Hophmally Makande and Muhammad Kulesi, also told the radio that the feuding in the former governing party have become” deeper.”
Atupele Muluzi is backed by UDF secretary general Kennedy Makwangwala who started this latest fight by dissolving party structures, giving himself control of the party. He justified his act, saying it would reconcile the two factions. The majority of the 17 parliamentarians are on Atupele’s side.
“Divisions are getting deeper in the party, still we have not given up and we are still fighting to bring sanity in UDF,” said Mpasu.
“We are not underestimating the challenge we are facing,” he added.
“So we are still talking to these ill-advised brothers, so that if they are not afraid of God, they should at least be afraid of the law,” said outspoken Mpasu.
Atupele said he does not organise rallies for the party but the secretariat and that he is one of the speaker and not even the main speaker.
He insists the choice of a presidential candidate will come from the people and appealed to leaders to listen to what the people are saying.
The UDF deputy leader in parliament said he was keen in rebuilding a new UDF “that reflects the wishes and aspirations of the people.”
Atupele rallies have drawn large crowds since he announced his plan to run for presidency in 2014 elections.
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