Mpinganjira says DPP to remain in power: ‘No chance for MCP in south, PP on death bed’
VEteran firebrand politician Brown Mpinganjira, who was Vice President for the southern region in the former ruling People’s Party (PP) before joining the governing Democratic Progressuve Party(DPP) a few months ago has said the Peter Mutharika led party will continue be in power after next year’s elections, saying victory is a forgone conclusion for the party.

Mpinganjira projected DPP’s triumph in the 2019 tripartite elections, citing development projects that the DPP government has seen through as the main reason for people to retain the party in leadership.
Speaking during a political rally held on Wednesday at Phalombe Secondary School Ground where among other things the party welcomed over 400 former members of several political parties who joined the DPP, Mpinganjira said there is no formidable opposition to claim power.
He said the main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) cannot deliver development to people in the southern region since it does not want to field candidates in the region.
“The leader of the MCP (Lazarus Chakwera) only wants presidency which is why his party is not interested in fielding candidates here; so how can you expect him to reach out to you shall he win presidency?” he questioned rhetorically.
He further reaffirmed his belief that a party that managed to uproot the then ruling party PP from government would not struggle to maintain leadership.
Mpinganjira said PP is on political deathbed hence hundreds of its members are following him to DPP.
In his remarks, Regional Governor for DPP in the southern region, Charles Mchacha called upon members of the party in Phalombe to be united in order for the party to withstand opposition attempts to take over government in 2019.
Mchacha advised senior members of the party including those aspiring for leadership in the party to avoid internal bickering and untimely fighting over positions.
“We know that some of you would like to contest for positions in the coming elections but our advice is that it is not time yet to start politicking. The right time shall come and every aspiring candidate will be told when the floor is open,” said Mchacha.
He further cautioned those aspiring for positions to avoid forming parallel structures within the party saying doing so is against the DPP’s constitution.
“Those vying for positions should work with the already existing party structures on the ground,” he added.
Member of Parliament for Phalombe South, Mary Mpanga assured that the DPP would sweep more votes from the constituency than it did in the 2014 elections.
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@Chilungamo You are a cheat my brother. Your comment wants to give people impression that DPP is mocking people from central and north for voting for the party. This childish politics will not work my brother. People from these regions vote for DPP because they have actually witnessed some development under the party. They are mature enough to differenciate between truth and lies. In 2014 you did the same lies by saying that Chaponda has challenged people from the north that DPP can win without them. Wise people from the north voted for it to the extent of securing some… Read more »
Mpinganjira is now Nyama wovunda and ntchentche zokha can follow him. Dpp yavunda or kuwola. Ikununkha with the Mpinganjiras..
mpinganjila has nothing to offer in this country galu ameneyu ngati bakil
The message BJ &DPP royalists are sending to Malawians is basically is”we are a Super Party from the South regardless,” “UNTOUCHABLES, other tribes from other regions/ districts will but vote for us.” But FORGET any vote from us from MULAKHO BELT for you.” “Of course, ndinu opepera mumativotera since 1994 despite us NOT voting for you” “see kumwera kuno afetrall it’s only Nsanje& Chikwawa can vote for you ma KAPE!!.”
This is NOT ONLY an INSULT to Malawians but ARROGANCE of the HIGHEST ORDER & can only come from someone who absolutely DOESN’T ve regards for others. Matchonas. SHAME!!!
Well put. But this time MCP is getting in don’t lose heart.
It’s very CLEAR NOW that politicians from the South are SELFISH & use NEPOTISM & REGIONALISM as a tramp card NOT for the country’s development but to SERVE their own SELFISH political agenda. Even anthu ena ma comments awo apa allude to that notion. Akumanena kuti MCP has no chance kumwera. Mpinganjira, a complete political failure himself, even by Malawian standards is echoing the same patronage politics. Look, people from the North and Centre have ever voted for UDF & DPP at some point. It’s only election ya 1994 that was largely divided: Aford-North, MCP-Centre and UDF-South. But since then… Read more »
Nsanje and Chikwawa has been pro-MCP from the time of Kamuzu when Gwanda was his runningmate. When Kamuzu died and Gwanda taking the MCP presidency the two districts were still nga nga nga pambuyo pa MCP. However despite giving all the support to MCP the party was still losing the elections. So Mia cannot bring any winning magic to MCP. Chalaka bakha nkhuku singatore iwe m’phwanga TIKO.
Ndikupempheni amene mumatukwana pa forum iyi kuti kutukwana sikungathandize Chakwera kuwina mavoti. Yesetsani kugwiritsa ntchito bwalori kumuuza Chakwera zoti chipani chichite kuti DPP isamangotilowerera pa central region monga yachitira ku Ntcheu, Salima, Nkhotakota komanso posachedwapa ku Kasungu. Ngakhale asadzawine mpando wa MP in these districts but the votes which will go to the president will be helpful to make APM win. Mufunseni mbuyanu Chakwera kuti kodi odala munaluza 2014 chifukwa chiyani, nanga mwakonza pati ndi pati kuti chaka chamawa tiwine? Nkhani yoti anakuberani mavoti ndiyopanda mchere ndipo mukungoyaluka nayo. Mmene mavoti amabedwa ma monitor anu anali kuti? Anali kovina nyau?… Read more »
@Binwell kachikopa Abambo inu mulibe fundo iyayi. We are talking about political mathematics here. Answer me Binwell on why in 2014 APM had a wide margin with Chakwera despite the south being the base of three strong parties? How many seats did DPP get in the central and how many did MCP get in the south? About the 60 days ultimatum by PAC and the death of Bingu: If Bingu’s death was the plan of God to rescue Malawians from DPP why did the same God make the DPP win in 2014? Don’t you think God wanted to embarrass you… Read more »
APM did not have wide marginn, the difference between hin and Chakwera was just about 450 votes and MCP did not have MPs in the South.
Inu mumadziwa wide margin? You have made laugh. Blind support at its best.
BJ is right because all the heartless ministers who left DPP because of death and who were also involved in JB CASHGATE scam are now with Chakwela and malawi is suffering today because of them. Chakwela at one point in 2014 contradicted each other with kabwila in regards to his state House visit . chakwela being man of GOD he lied that he never visited state House while the Honest kabwila accepted, later chakwela changed his tone by saying yes i went but ……. mmmmmm No wonder in his own party when he met Politburo he was sensible and he… Read more »
You are fully of anger that cannot help you. Keep on dreaming. It seems you haven’t analysed well how elections have been in the past. MCP has been a giant. This time you will see how it will come back into government to develop Malawi.
U will cry.
What giant loses ALL elections since 1994? Can u tell us ur definition of giant please?
What u don’t understand and see is that DPP was given a benefit of doubt and raped PP. Now we have confirmed how Pitala failed as edu minister and now as president.
Chimango u r a big lier. U want to hide behind a name from north while u r a typical Lomwe.
U not saying truth about Chakwera. The fact u r focusing on his shows how threatening he is to your corrupt government. Keep on dreaming
@Corruption=DPP: Your ifrst statement suggests or implies that all Northerners are anti DPP, and all ALhomwe are DPP supporters. Is that really what you think?
Mwaiwala kuti Nsanje and Blantyre city are in the south. From Mpinganjira’s statement, is it not implying that He is tribalistic himself?