Mtambo visits Nice Trust, says  ‘Malawi remains divided’

Minister of Civic Education and National Unity, Timothy Mtambo, has challenged the National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) Public Trust to expand its mandate in its programming to cover other equally important aspects of civic life.

Mtambo addressing NICE Trust staff after the familiarization tour
Mwalubunju: Government has underutilized NICE Trust various resources
Mtambo takes questions from journalists after meeting NICE Trust executive officials–Photos by Watipaso Mzungu, Nyasa Times

Mtambo stressed that it is high time the Trust started integrating issues of nationalism to help the current government create a nation that is not only knowledgeable, but unified as well.

The minister made the remarks on Thursday afternoon when he visited the NICE Public Trust Offices in Area 47 in Lilongwe in familiarization tour.

NICE Public Trust falls under the Mininstry of Civic Education and National Unity; hence, Mtambo is mandated to visit and appreciate the programmes and initiatives the institution is undertaking to create an active citizenship that is able to hold duty-bearers accountable.

During the visit, the minister held a hearty meeting with NICE executive director Ollen Mwalubunju, the National Programmes Manager Gray Kalindekafe and other senior officials.

And speaking to journalists after the meeting, Mtambo said he is impressed with the level of commitment NICE Public Trust has demonstrated over the years to promote democratic governance through provision of civic and voter education.

However, the minister lamented that Malawi remains divided along ethnic and regional lines due to a political culture of nepotism – a culture he said has been brought about by political leaders who lacked patriotism.

“My Ministry needs to work and collaborate with various organisations in the civic education sector to eliminate discrimination based tribalism and regionalism. As such, the NICE Trust is very key as an agent of Government in the sector.

“ I, therefore, call upon the Trust to strongly advocate, in its civic education activities, for unity among Malawians. A nation that is not united is a doomed nation for it often plunges into tribal conflict and civil strife,” he said.

Mtambo said his ministry will, at some point within the 2020/2021 financial year, sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Trust to enhance the management and coordination of civic education services through joint planning and collaboration of activities and programmes.

He disclosed that under the MOU, his ministry will lobby government Ministries and Departments to utilise NICE Trust in the design, formulation and implementation of civic education related programmes and activities and, where possible, sub-contract NICE Trust to implement the same.

In return, NICE Trust is expected to support the Ministry in monitoring and evaluating the Trust’s activities and programmes.

The Trust will also support the ministry in the production and dissemination of publications, and audio   visual materials for civic education purposes.

“We also expect NICE Trust to facilitate news and photographic coverage, by the media, of joint community based civic education activities and link the ministry’s website to the NICE Trust website to increase public access to government information,” said Mtambo.

In his remarks, NICE Trust executive director Ollen Mwalubunju lamented that despite being a state agency for civic education, government has incessantly sidelined the institution because of its resolve not to tow party line in its civic and voter education (CVE) activities.

Mwalubunju also complained that successive government have failed to utilize its vast human and technical resources available countrywide, including in the hardest-to-reach areas.

“NICE has professionally and consistently exercised independence, non-partisan, and impartiality in the delivery of civic and voter education activities in all the districts in Malawi. Hence, this has resulted in gaining public trust and confidence among government, CSOs, donors, political parties, and general public,” he said.

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4 years ago

seems this lebel leader does not have TOR he needs to get back to his office and ask technocrats to draft TOR for him. For starters he should apologise to Muluzi and APM for the rude remarks he used to make. He should apologise to the police woman who was undressed by the thugs he hired from Nsundwe, He should apologise to the Imedi family and apologise to all those people whose businesses were destroyed during his thuggery sponsored by Chakwera. There will not be any healing unless he apologises. This terrorist has a pathelogicla hatrage of the Lomwe people.

4 years ago

Mtambo never preached any violence the people who were rooting people’s properties and stealing were thieves who didn’t wanted the change of governance we’re seeing today. If you really are true that mtambo divided the nation by calling people for the peaceful demonstrations give evidence of what you are saying is true. Vuto la amalawi Fe timadana ndi anthu olimba mtima Ngati mtambo , chipanda achina malawi NDI anthu olimba mtima Ngati mtambo where could Malawi be today with the corrupt and that thievery government gone, Mmmmm tamayamikani a Malawi anzanga , amene amaononga zinthu zawanthu simtambo Koma anthu oipa… Read more »

4 years ago

Viva Malawi Viva Mtambo 🇲🇼

4 years ago
Reply to  ERUTU

VIVA!!!!!!! Malawi is not for fainted, domkopped, dunderheads, self-centred, heartless and nicampooped leaders like Peter Wamuthalika, sorry. Go to Hell with him

4 years ago

Mtambo, how on earth did you expect Malawi to be united? Over nite? You sowed hate, destruction and death. We still haven’t forgotten yet. Ur ministerial post can not unite Malawi

4 years ago
Reply to  Wawa

Wawa, if u want peace, prepare for war. That’s why today we r talking about the new South Africa. So plz leave Mtambo a lone.and open u r eyes, Peter Mutharika had no clue about Malawi to b precise.

4 years ago

It should read ‘ I DIVIDED Malawi”

4 years ago
Reply to  lester

Ukunama iwe, VIVA Mtambo, the problem with Malawians, anazolowera kuombera m’manja anthu akuba ngati Muluzi/ Peter/ Chisale, just to name but few, that’s why Muluzi wanted to take advantage, and gve Malawians his son to b the president. Plz Malawians ur already on the map of proper democracy, so ALUTA CONTINUA. Everyone is talking about Malawi now

4 years ago

Shut up mtambo, you can’t bring unity to Malawi

4 years ago
Reply to  Flamingo

You r the one to b shut up coz u r a nicampoop

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