Mutharika faulted for telling party ‘rebels’ to quit DPP
Malawians have taken up on various social media platforms to criticise President Peter Mutharika’s recent outbursts, telling rebels within the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to leave the party for their opposition to the electoral alliance with the United Democratic Front (UDF).

Mutharika, looking emotional, said recently in Chikwawa that there are some party officials whom he accused of sowing seeds of confusion in the party by objecting to the DPP alliance with UDF.
But some Malawians say the rebels have a valid political point to question the wisdom of having an alliance with a party which is dormant on the ground in the Eastern region, its considered stronghold.
“If the DPP is desperate to have votes from eastern region then UDF is not the ideal partner to bring the votes because the DPP is already strong in the region,” wrote John Amidu on his Facebook page.
Elias Muhara says in a WhatsApp chat group that the DPP vice president for the [Eastern] region Bright Msaka and his eastern region party team have already made the DPP visible and very strong there.
“If President Mutharika wants to get more votes in the eastern region, let him motivate this Msaka team and give them all the resources, they can do a wonderful job than UDF,” Muhara said.
Some DPP members says UDF performance in recent elections has been dwindling and wonder if it could give Mutharika a competitive edge during the court-ordered fresh presidential elections that Parliament has slated for May 19 2020 subject to presidential assent.
In the discredited 2019 presidential polls, UDF’s Atupele Muluzi got roughly 4.7 percent of the vote, dropping fourth against a third-rate showing of around 13.7 percent he garnered in 2014.
On his part, Mutharika scooped nearly 38.7 percent of the court-annulled votes against the 36.4 percent he garnered in 2014.
Mutharika got more votes in the easterrn region than ever before in the history of the DPP and this had been attributed to the hard working spirit of government technocrat turned politician, Msaka.
The DPP-UDF alliance could lock votes from the Eastern and Southern political regions as the two groupings complement voter bases in a country that largely votes along regional and ethnic lines.
Critics argue that DPP-UDF is an alliance of two political dynasties—Mutharikas and Muluzis—who have dominated Malawi politics for 23 of the last 25 years of multiparty democracy’s return.
DPP and UDF have a history of working together.
During Mutharika’s first five-year term, DPP went into a working arrangement with UDF to guarantee votes in the National Assembly and support the government’s legislative agenda. In that period, Muluzi held various ministerial positions, including Health and Population the last time he was in Cabinet just before the May 21 2019 elections.
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atsilu awa, bodza bodza akulu awa. no wonder kupumula ku US kuti wapita ku UNGA anabwerako ndi dzanja la thabwa mxiii. BODZA,KUBA,KUNYADA ZIMAENDA LIMODZI. Pitala ndi SHIT
Ndikulankhula ndili iwe , nawenso uchoke muchipanimo palibe chimene ukuchita taona Amalawi ambiri akukudandaula kuti siutha kuyendetsa dziko wakalamba asiyile anyamata ayendetseko chipani çhimenechi. Choka choka ubwelere kumene unachokera koma ukudziwa ana athu ena samakudziwa mpakana pano akutifunsabe kuti amaeneyu anachokera kuti? Bwanji Samantha kulankhula chichewa? Ndakusokotsera kulinga utamva ukapitiliza zotukwanazo uyàluka nazo and ukungotayapo nthawi ulendo siokakhalànso Ku nyumba yachifumu yambani kukonzekeratu kaya mulowera kuti?
Amalawi mudziwe izi. Mgwilizano umenewu ukuonekelatu kuti DPP ikuvomeleza kuti Atupele anamubeladi mavoti chifukwa mmene inaluzira mavoti UDF Ku eastern region sindikutha kuona kufuñikira kwa UDF mgwilizano umenewu koma poti DPP ikuziwa kuti mnyamatayu anamubela mavoti ake ndiye akuona ngati ulendo uwu wa 50+1 mavoti amene anamubelawo àzawapezanso koma DPP anayiwala kuti anamuonongera kale CV Atupele pandale moti panopa Ku eastern region anthu anataya kale chikhulupiliro mwa Atupele .
I heard yes from the old Papa’s speaking they should leave DPP only nankhumwa and Jane Ansah should remain🤗🤗😄
Wopusa ndi iweyo Chili Pathako pakopo
They are welocome to join the UTM/MCP alliance. Leave the sinking ship
Mutharika and Muluzi family alliance is good for Malawi democracy; it gives Malawians a chance to knock these two dynasties off the Malawi political calendar once and for all! After May 19 the UTM +MCP alliance will start investigating the corruption that these two families have been engaged in for the past 23 years and ACB will pounce on them!
APM still thinks DPP is a family party
KKKKKKKKK Anthu ndinu opusa kwambiri mumabweretsa ti nkhani topanda umboni ,chomwe muyenera kudziwa ndi chakuti munthu akaukira dziko lake kapena anzake amatchedwa rebel ndiye what is wrong with peter calling them rebels
God works in mysterious ways. Who knew a year ago that DPP would be done and crushed like this? If our God is for us, then who could ever stop us, and if our God is with us, then what could stand against? Our God is greater and stronger than Mutharika and Jane Ansah.