Mutharika to launch Malawi transport masterplan Thursday
Minister of Transport and Public Works Jappie Mhango has said President Peter Mutharika is expected to launch the National Transport Master Plan (NTMP) on Thusaday in Lilongwe.
Mhango told a news conference on Wednesday that the masterplan is geared toward transforming the country’s transport sector in the next 20 years.
He said President Mutharika is expected to preside over the launching ceremony at Bingu International Convention Centre (BICC) in Lilongwe.
Mhango said master plan will provide a framework for delivering sustainable interventions towards improving the transport sector across Malawi for a period of 20 years from 2017 to 2037.
“The plan defines infrastructure proposals across multi-modal transport network which covers road, rail way, inland water, civil aviation, rural and urban transport,” Mhango said.
He added that the plan will require about 9.15 billion US dollars from World Bank over a period of 20 years and has identified a number of interventions.
According to Mhango, will also ensure development of a coordinated and efficient transport infrastructure that fosters safe and competitive operation of viable, affordable, equitable and sustainable transport services.
Government says has strategic objectives to reduce costs and prices across in all modes of transport through improved safety of transport infrastructure services, enhanced sustainable passenger and freight transport system.
“There are also plans to extend the railway network into Malawi from posts other than Nacala in order to offer choice and increased competition,” Mhango said.
Through the plan, government will also introduce mass transportation to reduce congestion by constructing an express way between Limbe and Blantyre above Chipembere Highway and increase bypass roads in cities around the central business areas.
“It is our expectation that at the end of the 20-year period, generations to come will reflect on this massive transformation in the transport sector,” Mhango said.
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Kulota samaletsa kkkkkkkkk. What happened with other strategies that were launched using millions of tax payers money. Malawi can’t develop with spirit. The country as Vision 2020. Can anyone help with was implemented that print. Rwanda is using the same blue print and is way far much better that Malawi in term of infrastructure, ICT, education etc. Our document is gathering dust in Capital Hill. Malawi has already master plans for development road, railway network etc. For example Lilongwe has all the areas marked for particular project/development that is why the capital had Capital City Development Corporation (CCDC) but politicians… Read more »
Hahahahaha koma zitatheka ndonzeri ba ngati sakufunanso adzigawana ndi ma MP awowa
Expressway above highway?
9.15 dollars from world bank…
Zinaliko kale izi, when we had UTM buses , city lines in Blantyre, trains, ndege you name it zinaliko izi
Kulota nthawi ya masana paja saletsa kikikiki