Mutharika refuses to fire Minister over failure to declare assets
State House officials say President Peter Mutharika would not fire the newly appointed Sports minister Grace Chiumia over reports that she has flouted the law by not declaring her assets.

State House press secretary Mgeme Kalilani confirmed Mutharika has received a letter from the Declaration of Assets by Public Officers office suggesting she be fired for her failure to declare assets as provided by law.
“The ppresident has discovered that she did declare her assets long ago. A report in her file at the Office of the President and Cabinet indicate that she declared her assets,” he said.
Kalilani therefore said Mutharika has instructed the Chief Secretary to government Lloyd Muhara to engage the director at the Declaration of Assets office over the matter.
He said that Muhara and Tukula would meet soon to discuss the matter.
Chiumia along with members of parliament George Chaponda, Willard Gwengwe, Davie Kadzinja and Christopher Mzomera Ngwira failed to declare their assets.
Speaker of the National Assembly Richard Msowoya said he was consulting on how to deal with the matter after Tukula wrote him suggesting he fires the four legislators.
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“Honesty is the best policy”, so goes the saying.
Are Malawians still surprised why as a country we have failed miserably to make tangible strides under this Dpp-led gov’t? It’s strange that some people still believe it’s possible to develop at the same time get K145 million as “scratch me at the back I will also scratch you” then go tell others to be patriotic.
A minister doesn’t comply with a legal requirement of asset declarations but expect a civil servant to comply or be fully honest pa office. You have to be joking.
Is this not the same govt talking about protocol.
Dpp sympathisers are above the law. No wonder they can plunder the govt coffers as much as they want. La 40 lizakwana. Kuno ndi kunja.
A government rotten to the core. Paliponse mphutsi.
no doubt this meeting has been organised to silence the director wea alot of money from the President shal be given to the director..APM usatione ngati ndiife ana this is ur last chance plz resign
Koma Pitala simunthu,a zamva mukulu ameneyo!!!kaya
That report has just been put in that file. Forms for declarations are supposed to be sent to the right office. If the Director reached the point of writing the president then it means something is wrong and for the president to defend someone of has made this serious mistake casts doubts about his seriousness in fighting corruption and the same time undermining the office of Declaration of Assets. What so special with Grace if I may ask? She has made so many blunders but he is protected.
lawless country
kkkkk koma
No need to consult Mr. Speaker Sir, just evict them from National Assembly