Mzimba Solola ‘shadow MP’ commended for being development conscious

Mzimba Solola constituency aspiring  parliamentarian, Reverend Precious Chisi, has received kudos from various stakeholders including chiefs for putting constituents’ welfare at heart.

Rev Chisi of Aford aspires to be MP in Mzimba Solola

In an interview, Group Village Headman (GVH) Longwe Kamanga said he was willing to work with Chisi.

“To me as a community leader, I am in support of  Reverend Chisi,” said Kamanga.

Mzimba Solola belongs to  Malawi Congress Party (MCP) parliamentarian Jacob Hara who has also been accused of mismanaging the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), according to constituents who spoke to Nyasa Times.

Among others, they said, Chisi has also spent over K3 million on sports tournaments to make the youth busy.

He has also helped in building three courtrooms in the constituency.

Harrison Banda, general secretary for referees in Mzimba, said it was very rare of “someone like Chisi.”

He said: “I think it is beyond politics. He is proving to be helpful.”

Chisi also happens to be Alliance for Democracy (AFORD) vice  president.

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concerned citizen
concerned citizen
6 years ago

Obviously buying votes.

6 years ago

Which Aford camp is he?

6 years ago

Don’t be cheated with these aspiring to become MP’s this time.They will come with sorts of gifts,money,football tournaments you name them but when voted into power they all disappear.Mark my words,do you not be carried away with these types of politicians

6 years ago

Development conscious for spending MK3 million of football trophies? Do we really know the role MPs are supposed to play?

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