When opposition rises, run to the Lord

Many times Christians have faced opposition and have wondered why God allow certain things to happen in their lives. God has spoken several times in the Bible that in any type of opposition he will be with us.

While no one like opposition, as Christians we admit we cannot run away from it yet there will always be victory at the end because the word of God tells us that; “Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivers him out of them all” (Psalms 34:19).

As you can see, the Lord does not promise us a trouble free existence, but He does promise to deliver us from all of them as all opposition will prove futile, for He must reign till He hath put all enemies under His feet.

Chronicles 14:8 talks about a time when the Philistines had heard that David was anointed King over all Israel, all the Philistines went up to seek Him. The words seek in this verse actually means that they wanted to “kill him”. This is the same in a Christian’s life because whenever Christ is enthroned as King over the whole life, the powers of the darkness gathers together to oppose Him in the believer’s heart.

All this is simply because there is a war that is not mostly noticed especially when a believer is new to the things of God. This is all to stop the good work that God has started in a believer’s life. This is all that the enemy fights do hard to kill, not killing you physically. In most cases you will notice that opposition does not exists in a non believer’s life because the enemy has nothing to fight for.

If you think that you are a believer, but you have never faced opposition, then I will encourage you to give your life to Jesus Christ again to see that the world will never love that which is not of the world, but loves its own: “Jesus Christ Himself stated that if the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you” (John 15:18).

The story of Joseph in the bible is a perfect example of great opposition. While His brothers were able to notice that Joseph was the most loved of their father Jacob; it was not exactly what made them conspire to kill, and later sell him as a slave. The main reason why they hated him were the dreams which He had, and they thought in their human capacity they could be able to stop God’s plans on Joseph’s life. This is confirmed when the brothers conspired against him; “Behold this dreamer comes” (Genesis 37:19). This is a strong proof that all the great opposition between him and his brothers was because of his dreams and they thought they could be able to stop by taking him away from them and their father’s sight.

As we see reading on the chapters Joseph’s dreams did not stop but continued even after being sold in Egypt as a slave.

When Jesus Christ our Savior was born the wise men came from the east saying “where is He who is born king of the Jews?” (Mathew 2:2). Herod commanded the wise men from the east to search diligently for the baby, and bring word to him so that he may also worship Him.

In real sense Herod’s intentions were to kill the child and stop all that was spoken about the child as we can see from how he killed all the children who were in Bethlehem
It is the same even now that the moment light comes in our life; great opposition will show up to stop us. It is at this point that a child of God should realize that we have the word of God, which is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing a sunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow.

Look to God and realize that even though the enemy pursue and trample our lives to the ground, if we continue believing, reading the word of God which is the Bread of Life, we will be able to see victory through Our Lord Jesus Christ for He has already defeated all these powers of darkness when He died on the cross once and for all. He is the ever present help readily available for His children.

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7 years ago


7 years ago

I like reading this column. However, there is need for the Editor to check grammar.

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