Parents should discuss about sex with their children – Evangelical Association of Malawi

Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) says lack of openness between parents and children on sexual and reproductive health (SRH) matters is contributing to the rise of early pregnancies and marriages in Karonga District.

Talking to kids about sex

EAM’s Health Commission National Coordinator Hawad Kusiya said over the weekend in the district during a Community Action for Transformation of Children Health (CATCH) project meeting that parents should start discussing SRH matters with their children.

“We have realized that there are a number of issues both cultural and religious that create sexual health information gap to children  hence putting girls at a disadvantage in terms of knowing their development stage as they come to age.

“We are working with traditional and religious leaders as well as guardians to try decreasing the cases,” he said.

Karonga EAM’s board chair, Reverend Lazrey Mtekateka said CATCH is involving chiefs and religious leaders to address the cultural barriers and help reduce early pregnancies, marriages and school dropout among girls.

The CATCH project is being implemented in areas of Mwandambo, Mwakawoko and Mwangolera where the cases are rampant.

The four year project will run up to December 2020 and is being funded by the Norwegian Church Aid.

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6 years ago

I somehow agree that parents should be the first to teach their children about sexual issues. The problem is that we wait until one is entering marriage and we open the floodgates or sexual topics, heaps of advice etc. I think we need to change the entire approach!!!

6 years ago

I beg to differ parents have failed the children big time..parents don’t see the imprtants of having tone for the kids..I would suggest strongly that instead of discussing sex with our children, we discuss religious issues with them, gone them much more things to do and think about not za sex zo..anthu a mulungu mwatano kodi?…

6 years ago

A Chikondi Kaunda: baa mwachitika uli. Chizungu tilemba viyo cha. Kwesa kuti discuss about….

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