Pope urges Christians to reject the ‘glitter of wealth’: Sin promises prosperity easily but leaves behind only solitude and death

Pope Francis has encouraged people to resist cynicism or pursuing the “glitter of wealth,” and to avoid seeking life’s meaning in “things that pass away.”

Pope Francis encouraged people to resist cynicism or pursuing the “glitter of wealth,” and to avoid seeking life’s meaning in “things that pass away.”

The Head of Catholic church speaking to around 80,000 people at the end of his traditional Easter Sunday blessing,  asked people to  reject wealth, pride, prosperity, pleasure and turn to God.

“Sin seduces; it promises things easy and quick, prosperity and success, but leaves behind only solitude and death,” the pope said. “Sin is looking for life among the dead, for the meaning of life in things that pass away.”

Encouraging the faithful, the 82-year-old pontiff said: “Why not prefer Jesus, the true light, to the glitter of wealth, career, pride and pleasure?”

For Christians, Easter is a day of joy and hope, as they mark their belief that Jesus triumphed over death by resurrection following crucifixion.

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5 years ago

Wonder how pope can’t see Palestinian plight

Mangochi kabwafu
Mangochi kabwafu
5 years ago
Reply to  mchawa

What about plight of Africans?

5 years ago

Mr Pope, you are asking us to reject wealth and prosperity? Are you poor yourself. I have heard you are richest spiritual leader on earth. If that is true is that not hypocrisy?. Or you only deserve wealth while the rest of us must live in squalor? Is the accumulation of wealth sin. Is it not the love of it. Does the loving God become happy when sees His people living slums and shanty towns?

5 years ago
Reply to  Mhuju

You have missed the point Sir.Wealth that is accumulated through sin not otherwise.Just work so hard through ways that are not sinful.Wealth is good we all no that koma osati izi zodzera mu Umbandazi

Visit Mwams
Visit Mwams
5 years ago

Go deeper man of God. Tell them

Mangochi kabwafu
Mangochi kabwafu
5 years ago

Good message to the FAKE AFRICAN PROPHETS and their thick lazy followers.

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