PP getting overwhelming feedback in Tiuzeni Campaign
Random interviews in the streets of Blantyre and Zomba indicate that people have sent their views to the party so as to be included in PP manifesto which is being drafted.
“I live in Chilunga, we have a problem of clean water, we travel long distances to fetch water, I wrote a letter to People’s Party officials here in Zomba to include this issue in their manifesto that everyone, everywhere should have access to clean water,” said Zainab Kindayu
Joseph Chidaya from the same area said she want People’s Party to re-strategise the coupon distribution exercise and empower the youth.
“We are always given coupons but we never find fertiliser and maize at Admarc, I did not buy fertilizer from Admarc this year, what are we supposed to do with the coupons?” he said.
He also said he has offered his views on youth employment.
Grace Mateyu from Lunzu in Blantyre concurred with Chidaya saying girls in the area are involved in prostitution because they have nothing to do.
Lunzu is one area that girls sell sex for money.
Mateyu hailed PP for introducing the Tiuzeni Campaign saying this will ensure that what is in the manifesto is what the people want and not the politicians.
She appealed to PP to introduce a toll free line where people can send their views easily considering that most people have phones.
Southern Provincial Chairman for Peoples Party, Mbalaka said they have received a lot of response from the people.
“People want things to change, our PP officials are receiving a lot of ideas from the people, we compile these and that’s what will be in the manifesto,” he said.
The Tiuzeni Campaign first of its kind in Malawi, was launched by the Vice President Joyce Banda in Zomba, January this year as a way of engaging the masses in the policy dialogue with the party on what PP manifesto should include.
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