Pro-homosexuality rights group in Malawi CEDEP clocks 10 years

Centre for the development of the people (Cedep)  says it has registered a success story for the last decade it  has been in the country.

Trapence: Malawi really is at the limit, risks becoming a failed state
Trapence: Malawi really is at the limit, risks becoming a failed state

Cedes is a firebrand non-governmental organisation whose aim,  among other things, is to promote free mind for the people of Malawi so that progressiveness takes place.

The organization’s communications officer, Simeon Thodi, told  Nyasa Times  that the achievements were innumerable.

In the recent past Cedep, especially it’s director, Gift Trapence,  has helped a battalion of individuals who have been rejected by the society just because they declared they belong to the LGBTI group.

“But we still have a long way to go.  Homosexuality is an inborn thing. Malawians don’t still understand this,” said Thodi.

According to him,  the tenth anniversary celebrations will be held on December 10 which is international; human rights day.

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8 years ago

Thodi send the presentations made in BT last week.I like the social media pages.But how bout website?Good work

8 years ago

Give us the data on number of LGBTI in Malawi.Otherwise I like the visibility and publicity of CEDEP recently..Keep updating your social media pages and keep commenting on policy issues in Malawi as you have been doing not just minority rights…Good work

8 years ago

CEDEP has indeed been instrumental in the promotion of minority rights.Good work Trapence.I also like the approach taken so far on commenting on all issues on human rights.Good work…..

be humane
be humane
8 years ago

It’s CEDEP who does not understand itself and its gay men. Search your statistics you will that all gay men are smokers, drunkards, and drug users. This is not a coincidence but they are driven by it

8 years ago

A Thodi tinamva kuti munali ku Reserve Bank zinatani?????

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