Prophet Justice Hara holds training seminar for pastors: Mlaka attends

President and founder of Lilongwe based ministry, Ambassadors for Christ, Prophet Justice Hara, conducted a three day training workshop for his pastors and appealed to them to dedicate themselves fully when executing their pastoral duties.

Group photo with Hara in blue suit during the training
Group photo with Hara in blue suit during the training
Senior Prophet Justice Hara with fellow pastors. To his immediate left is Pastor Mlaka Maliro and to his right is pastor Goodwins Mwalughali
Senior Prophet Justice Hara with fellow pastors. To his immediate left is Pastor Mlaka Maliro and to his right is pastor Goodwins Mwalughali

“Iron sharpens another iron that is what we are here for, to train our young pastors in church leadership and ideologies,” said Hara in Lilongwe.

Some pastors to the training seminar were not fro, Ambassadors of Christ Ministries.

Hara said the workshop targeted young men and women of God.

Apart from teaching the church doctrine, the training also highlighted on how to handle church funds to avoid pastors abusing them.

“Since they are there to change the world, they need to serve the flock not to serve themselves,” said Hara.

One of the pastor who attended the workshop, Pastor Mlaka Maliro commended Prophet Hara for organising the workshop.

Maliro, who ministers at Cross of Fire in Blantyre, said he was now complete preacher with the training.

“Knowledge is power, we have learnt a lot and the training has transformed and elevated my life indeed,” said Pastor Maliro, a top musician.

About 150 Pastors participated in the training.

Ambassadors of Christ Ministries started in 2012 under the vision of Senior Prophet Justice  Hara.

The mission congregates at Kamuzu Institute for Sports in the Capital City Lilongwe.

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Prison Warden
Prison Warden
9 years ago

Kodi unachira Hara chimenyedwereni ku chibwenzi? Hule la ku Mnchesi unalitaya lija lathamangitsidwa ku rent chifukwa dollar inayamba kuchepa chimulekereni iwe.

Brazilian wax
Brazilian wax
9 years ago

The only thing I like about these guys is that they try to dress smartly the rest am not a fan. By the way, Mlaka udaimba nyimbo yoti,” ….. chodabwitsa mulamu polalikira kulalikira mchingerezi ayiwala kuti enafe ndi Ochewa” Now my question is, because this genre preaches in English yet they know all the congregants speak Chichewa, are you also doing the same?

9 years ago

all along I ddnt know mlaka maliro was this daft. mumanamizanako chani kumeneko?? kuberaa anthu mtaunimu basi?? u prophet u prophet chani?? kungogula some funny suit and memorize one Bible verse basi mwati muyambise mpingo wanu?? za zii. what is the difference between u prophet wamasiku ano ndi using’anga?? kuchita kuitanila anthu pa tv, pa radio, mu newspaper, azakuonereni mukupanga ma magical miracles, cholinga azaponye mbale?? why can’t u visit the mortuary and raise the many thousands lying in there?? are miracles selective?? why should the whole world know when we perform one fake “miracle” by beaming it on tv??… Read more »

9 years ago

A mlakaaaa?????

Imraan Sadick
9 years ago

Ka Geni kotentha aka masiku omaliza ano , wina wake wagulira Benz Pastor for saving his life(pa Joni) brand new Mecerdes benz
Ine Shaaaaa! Since when a Human being can save a fellow human being’s life?
Only Almighty Allah can save my life

A child of God
A child of God
9 years ago

Zoonadi men of God should sit down and team up to defeat the devil’s burning spears. more fire Prophet!!! paja zidapangana kusanapse, aphunzitseni azibusawa, coz word of God needs training, kunkhondo sitipita tisanauzane zochita.

Binton wakale
9 years ago

Dont judge your colleagues for God will judge you too.And remember career and God’s purpose separate them.Everyone is meant for both career as well as God’s purpose and we are to fulfill both though many are stuck on career only.Career is our generator for all physical needs and the purpose of God all spiritual and the major reason of existence here on earth.

Chindere chakufikapo
Chindere chakufikapo
9 years ago

Hara you are fake prophet

Viyazi Tembo
Viyazi Tembo
9 years ago

zazii, hypocrites……….

9 years ago

Malawi could have been a better place if all young and energetic men I see on the above pictures were serious entrepreneurs. Young people should also uplift themselves by getting involved in serious economic activities like entrepreneurship. We are very aware that a rise in evangelism by young people is due to unemployment and nothing else.

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