PSI Malawi launches new ‘silver touch’ condom campaign
Population Services International (PSI) at the weekend launched a campaign to promote the new brand of condom known as silver touch in Mangochi as one way of contributing towards the reduction of the spread of HIV/AIDS in the country.
In an interview with Malawi News Agency (Mana) on the sidelines of the campaign, PSI Programmes Manager, Brenda Kamanga pointed out that Mangochi was one of the districts whose HIV and Aids prevalence remained high requiring meaningful interventions to reverse the situation.
Kamanga said the launch of the silver touch branded condoms was meant to increase access and availability of the products in public hospitals in the district.
“This new brand of condoms will be distributed in all government hospitals with funding from the National Aids Commission (NAC) and we are targeting people within the age bracket of 15 years and above,” Kamanga said.

Kamanga, therefore, commended the people of Mangochi for coming in their large numbers to appreciate the new brand of condoms known as silver touch, encouraging people to use condoms each time when sleeping with their partners.
She said on its part PSI Malawi with funding secured from the NAC would make sure that the new brand of condoms are available in all the districts of the country.
Speaking in a separate interview with the Mana, musician Skeffa Chimoto said he decided to involve himself in the campaign considering that he was a youth and acknowledged the importance of using condoms.
Chimoto added that as a celebrated musician he would compose songs which would have impact on people as they listen to music hence contributing to behaviour change in the process.
The campaign was spiced by a splendid performance by Chimoto with his songs praising the new brand of condoms to the amazement of the fans who seemed to be contented with the turn of events.
During the campaign lucky people went away with ‘silver touch – tsogolo lokhwana’ branded T/Shirts, umbrellas, bags and, of course, the new brand condoms.
PSI is one of the non-governmental organizations whose main objective is to complement government in its pursuit of providing quality health services to people in Malawi particularly in reproductive health related issues.
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