Shoe thefts at mosques worry worshippers, Malawi police asked to take action
People in Balaka have asked the police to take to book thieves who are terrorizing mosques by stealing shoes left outside the religious buildings.
Since muslims are required to take off shoes outside the mosque, thieves have targeted the shoes.
Everyday after prayers many worshippers come out of mosques and discover that their shoes are stolen, leaving them to go home barefoot.
This prompted the police to ask for a community policing meeting where the law enforcers promised to investigate the matter and take the perpetrators to book.
Muslim Association of Malawi district chairman for Balaka Ishmael Mthiko said the thefts are a distraction to the muslim community when they are praying in mosques.
“We always leave our shoes outside the mosque. These thefts make also worried when we are inside the mosques praying, so do something please, we beg you,” said Mthiko.
Inspector Nungwe from Balaka police assured the police that the law enforcers have taken up the issue seriously.
“We will not listen and sit but we will act, this is a serious issue,” said Nungwe.
The meeting was also attended by traditional and political leaders.
If we were looking for evidence in regard to collapse of the rule of law then this is it. Political leaders have bred delinquents and criminals that they even steal shoes and slippers from worshippers. political leaders should be ashamed of the Malawi they have created. These are the results of a government driving policies which are not pro-poor. DPP is still shouting out loudly that Malawi is better off and developed under DPP……really. Look at the moral fibre of the country. Look at the number of poor people now resorting to stealing small stuff like shoes.
Lock your shoes in the locker. Mwatani kodi? A polisi ndi ochepa ndipo msikiti ndi yambiri. Asilamu, solve your problems asaa
An unfortunate post. So to the albinos who are being hacked and killed for body parts should we say “ma albino hide in ur homes and solve your own problems becoz ma albino mulipo ambiri apolice ochepa?” many other examples, dont be a religious racist. A crime is a crime and it is the polices duty to investigate and take action.