Spread privilege not cashgate: Livingstonia Synod says Malawi for us all
The CCAP Livingstonia Synod has observed that Malawi is sliding into terminal decline and urged government to spread the privilege to all and not a few should enjoy.
The synod’s spiritual father, the Right Reverend Dr Timothy Nyasulu in his sermon during the memorial of Inkosi Mbelwa in Mzimba on Sunday, a function attended by President Joyce Banda, not that Malawi’s living condition are declining and that poverty is worsening while there is a privileged sector.
The cleric also noted that there is lack of unity amongst citizens.

“Why only few are enjoying in this country, “queried Nyasulu in apparent reference to the wrongful self-enrichment by government officials.
Nyasulu, who was elected moderator of the three-nation CCAP General Assembly, also chairs the Public Affairs Committee (PAC) board of trustees pointed out that citizens cannot access to social services because a few greedy people have looted from the public purse in what has been dubbed ‘cashgate’.
He said public hospitals have no drugs and materials to look after patients. And that the country continue to face power outage while prices of commodities continue to rise.
“We hear issues of cashgate, this is thievery and unjust acts in the eyes and ears of the Lord, someone has to stop these unfair and unbecoming tendencies,” said Nyasulu who got thunderous applauses from the gathering.
The theft of public funds came to the fore following the shooting of former budget director Paul Mphwiyo as he entered his Area 43 residence in September.
Ever since, some donors have frozen financial aid to government and some think the scandal is also to blame for delays in payment of civil servants’ salaries as well as drug stock-outs widespread in the country’s healthcare system
Outspoken Reverend Levi Nyondo , the synod’s general secretary said the preaching was not targeted attack at some individuals but church’s role of proclaiming the truth.
He said faith leaders “ will not relent to rebuke, correct and proclaim the gospel where some want to take advantage in abusing the marginalised groups, Malawi is for all of us let’ love one another and develop the nation.”
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