Swadick, Kafwafwa earmarked for Scotland coaching course

Former Flames players goalkeeper Swadick Sanudi and defender Clement Kafwafwa have been earmarked for a coaching course in Scotland.

The two players have taken up coaching after graduating from Football Association of Malawi C Licence.

FAM General Secretary Suzgo Nyirenda confirmed the development but said there were also some candidates being scrutinised for the course including grassroots football manager Silas Liwindo.

Sanudi: To undergo coaching studies
Sanudi: To undergo coaching studies

“Right now I cannot say much we are through with the selection process,” Nyirenda said.

“So, yes, Kafwafwa and Sanudi are some of the names that have been recommended by our technical director, to undergo the course.”
But Nyirenda said the association would finalise the selection process next month.

Malawi government and Scotland agreed to forge a partnership in training of football coaches and the two could be the first to benefit from the initiative.

Kafwafwa recently returned from Denmark where he had a professional career spanning over a decade before retiring to take up coaching.
Sanudi rejoined Bullets after returning from South Africa and doubles as player and goalkeeper trainer .

In a related development Fam referees development officer Maxwell Mtonga and referees instructor Moffat Champita are expected to attend a course in Swaziland next month.

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10 years ago

let him go to maintaining his carrier,kafwafwa ndimwini dziko lino sikuti ndi foriener bwanji kukhomelerana amalawi tokhatokha?{BIG FOOT}.nose amene simukumufunira zabwino CK mudziwe mulungu kuyambira lero powelenga MASALMO 90/MALAKI 4:1-6/DETRONUM 28:47-48,let kafwafwa to do what he knows

10 years ago

eye eye what is your problem? Ukufuna kumukhomelela eti Kafwafwayo? nsanje bwanji amalawi. Kafwafwa attended the Malawi C Licence coaches course and he also has a FIFA licencing coach he coached in Denmark and possibly that is why he has an upper hand from your favourites. In any case how do you know he is not coaching? Shame on you eye eye.

eye eye
eye eye
10 years ago

Out of curiosity, is Kafwafwa coaching any time in the meantime? If not, why not take the other C-licenced coaches for teams like Bata or Wanderers Youth Teams who can immediately put the knowledge to practice on return from the course? just thinking and in no way agin CK!

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