Timau: If wishes were thrushes, then beggers would eat birds
“Voting on 20th May will just be a formality”…Uladi Mussa, (Peoples Party Vice President for the Central Region)
Is the opposition already defeated? The answer is yes and this is according to Uladi Mussa.
Origin of if wishes were thrushes, then beggars would eat birds.
This proverb is recorded in English from quite an early date. A version of the expression appeared in the published works of William Camden in the 17th century. Camden was an interesting character; a historian and one of the select few who could write ‘Herald’ as his job description. He was one of three senior heralds of the College of Arms under Queen Elizabeth I. In 1605, Camden collected together his miscellaneous notes on English and Classic history and published them under the title The Remaines of a Greater Worke Concerning Britain.
He didn’t put his name to the work and dismissed it as “the rude rubble and out-cast rubbish… of a greater and more serious worke”. The book was republished in several versions and included this proverb: “If wishes were thrushes, then beggars would eat birds”. The first known citation of the proverb in the form we now know it is in James Carmichaell’s collection of proverbs in Scots: “If wishes were horses, beggars wald ryde”. The date of Carmichaell’s work is unclear but it does appear to have been published in his lifetime and he died in 1628. Whether it was Carmichaell or Camden who first recorded the proverb is currently uncertain.

BUT all we know is that in Malawi; Mussa has joined the great men in citing this proverb, with William Camden saying, “If wishes were thrushes, then beggars would eat birds” and Carmichaell being accredited to, “if wishes were horses, beggars wald ryde”, we now honour Uladi Mussa with this proverb, “If wishes were elections, opposition would smile on 20 May”.
Like Camden, Uladi Mussa has not put his name to this new proverb and he would dismiss it as “the rude rubble and out-cast rubbish” God forbid, all we know now is that what is going on in Uladi Mussa’s mind is how to convince Malawians that, “ if wishes were elections, opposition would smile on 20 May”.
Addressing a mammoth gathering of People’s Party sympathisers on Wednesday, 2 April 2014, at Katuli village in Mangochi district, loudmouthed Uladi Mussa told the meeting that as far as he is concerned the opposition are simply wasting their resources in trying to campaign for the May 20 elections. There are 193 constituencies to be filled up. The vocal VP based his argument on the fact that the opposition has failed to fill up the required number of Members of Parliament in all the constituencies as opposed to his cash-gate tarnished party. One does not have to be a political science student doing a Phd research to concur with Mussa that he has got a valid point in his argument.
Honestly, if the opposition has botched in filling a candidate in every constituency, under the popularity barometer this shows that Malawi does not have an opposition. Does it mean that the opposition is so unpopular in those areas that they could not even get a “Kabaza boy” to represent them?
Here are the figures Mussa gave his audience, Malawi Congress Party (MCP) short of 36 candidates, United Democratic Front (UDF) short of 15 candidates and Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) down with 5 candidates.
There are 2 theories teachers tell students when writing exams.
- Make sure you attempt all questions
- Concentrate on the questions you know you will get high marks
Both theories can work in politics but let us be serious, only theory 1 works for the 20 May elections because it gauges a party’s popularity.
We, the Timau crew, are now being forced to side with Camden, Carmichaell and Uladi Mussa that, “If wishes were thrushes, beggars would eat birds, if wishes were horses, beggars Wald ryde and if wishes were elections, the opposition would smile on 20 May”.
Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC)
MEC is making a lot of questionable decisions and the opposition is failing to monitor the electoral process. MEC is now “under the petticoat PP”. MEC cancelled the inspection of voters roll and yet the opposition is just sitting at a corner grinning. What will happen if they are put right inside the “bra”? Mark our words, May is coming.
Opposition dead?
Uladi Mussa might have a point, the opposition is almost dead. Using state resources PP’s Presidential candidate, Joyce Banda and her toy boy, Sosten Gwengwe are making inroads almost everywhere in Malawi.
The marriage between Joyce Banda and the toy boy has been heavily publicised not only on state owned MBC but they have even paid private radio stations to inform Malawians about the honeymoon after the May 20 marriage celebrations. All in all PP is also sending signals to the opposition.
Uladi Mussa is not only warning the opposition but he is also telling them that if PP rigs the election no one should blame them.
Malawians can agree here that in all those areas that the opposition has failed to fill candidates its where rigging will take place.
Who will blame the ruling party? This is why Mussa is sending advance warnings.
Is the opposition already defeated? Quoting Uladi Mussa, PP’s Vice President for the Central region, this seems a reality. Unless the opposition have loads of ammunition under their sleeves, they will be dead and never resurrect again as we all know that only Jesus Christ rose from the dead. How can the opposition unveil their manifestos now? Are we serious as Malawians that 45 days is enough for them to convince voters? Malawians needed these manifestos 18 months before the voting day. Do Malawians know the shadow ministers? This is why it takes one month before cabinet is announced after elections because no one is ready. It is the opposition who should be on top of the ruling party but Alas!! It’s the opposite.
Maybe Uladi Mussa is right; the opposition will go missing and never be found again for ten years with Joyce Banda in power.
“If wishes were thrushes, then beggars would eat birds”… William Camden. And this proverb has been true for centuries and the latest research makes not a shred of difference.
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