Timau: Politicians make a mess again
Politicians are at it again.
Former ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Members of Parliament are coalescing into a chorus of, “we want to help government of the day, we therefore pledge our support to President Joyce Banda”, all to ensure they get value for themselves.
Michael Porter’s value chain analysis suggests that activities within the organization add value to the service and product that the organization produces. In this case, the activities within these MPs are simply to add value for themselves.
Over 20 MPs of DPP on Easter Monday paid a courtesy call to President Joyce Banda at her official area 12 residence in the capital city Lilongwe. Nothing wrong with this courteousness call. What is immoral is the motive behind this action.
Malawi was founded on some high ideals. The founding fathers of this country and later on, us, in 1993, when fighting for multiparty democracy, never intended for a thing like professional politicians. Why should Malawi today preserve professional Members of Parliament?
While the now ruling People’s Party (PP) supporters are smiling cheek to cheek because of these defections, we the Timau Crewcounter that the move represents a blatant lack of respect for democracy.
The lack of morals by these MPs is an extension for politicians search for relevance. With this behaviour, where will the opposition be in the next 6 months? Who will provide the heat that should keep government on its toes to achieve landmarks that will free Malawi from poverty and pervading corruption that most have managed to make a part of government.
Is it time for these MPs to despoil the country again. Perhaps the offer is too enticing for our MPs whose hands are tied by corruption cases , bank loans hence they would not waste a minute to consider twice before screaming the ‘praise chorus’ that would incite them to a political death journey.
Certainly, these MPs would do justice to democracy by being glued to their party and ably backing the President in Parliament by supporting her agenda.
What is frustrating democracy most is that these MPs who paraded themselves to the President, their morals stink? Stink? You, our reader may ask. Yes, their morals stink because within two and half years they have belonged to three parties. Here is the journey of some of them, they went to Parliament on an MCP ticket in 2009, then defected to DPP, today they are wearing orange. Are they adding value to their constituents or themselves?
Sensing danger, the President has ordered that these defectors should go through the party’s secretariat, to be screened we guess.
If DPP MPs can coalesce to sing a chorus of “we want to help government of the day, why can’t we, the Timau crew do the same? We, the Timau Crew, declare that we will support President Joyce Banda and that the President’s agenda of “Umunthu” will pass through our pen.
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