Zambia helps Malawi with 5 million liters of fuel
ZambianGovernment has donated 5 million litres of fuel to Malawi to assist the countryduring the funeral ceremony of fallen President Bingu wa Mutharika.
In a statement released on Wednesday from the Malawi government’s Office of the President and Cabinet stated that Zambia gave Malawi the fuel to assist to ease the fuel scarcity problems in Malawi during this period that thecountry is mourning its former President.
The statementsigned by Chief Secretary to the OPC Bright Msaka Zambia will be sending its minister of energy Christopher Yaluma to hand over the fuel toMalawi Government.
According to statement President JoyceBanda has since thanked the Zambian government for the gesture saying that is asign of true neighbourliness.
Malawi has since2009 been characterised with fuel shortages forcing motorists to spend severaldays on fuel queues in search of either petrol or diesel.
Zambia’s moveshows a shift of relationship between Malawi and Zambia since President MichaelChilupsa Sata came into office.
Sata andMutharika were not in good terms after the Zambian president was arrested anddeported out of Malawi when he visited the country during the time he wasleader of opposition in his country.
As soon as hecame into power Sata, who dragged the Malawi government to court for theincident, demanded Malawi to apologise and explain its position on hisdeportation but Malawi did not succumb to the demands.
Banda during apress briefing on Tuesday said that Zambia is one of the countries she hastalked to in an effort to normalise relationship after the death of PresidentBingu wa Mutharika who was being accused of being arrogant even among hisfellow heads of state.